sims2 #1
Well, I got TS3 - and I hated it. BUT there were some nice things in there too, and this door caught my eye. So I ported it to TS2, but Leefish can't recolour to save her life - but she knows someone who can - Amythestfenix

So we combined as FenixFish - I hope we can do more stuff together.

[Image: thumb640x480]

This is NOT a repository door, but it will be the master door for the centred and two tile versions on their way.....

Prices and Catalog Location
200 simoleons, in the doors section, comes in a rather boring default grey.


Maxis match white, cherry, dark, medium, light and black wood, with glass recolours

Poly count
772 polys applies to the diagonal as well (thanks Lili)
x 28

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Dorky Door Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 86.71 KB | File Name Dorky door.rar | # of Downloads 3,294
File Updated 09-04-2012

Filesize 1.19 MB | File Name Dorky door recolours.rar | # of Downloads 2,070  
#2 02-05-2010
yay and woot

#3 04-05-2010
Hurray! Our door is up and looking good!

#4 10-05-2010
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Oh, how lovely! I absolutely loved these doors and having them in sims2 makes me extra happy. Is there any chance I could make a grungy recolor?


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