I am here!
#11 25-06-2011 
I know exactly what you mean, Regina. Most people call that phenomenon 'real life'. Smile I call it 'autism', but that's a different story Wink

#12 25-06-2011 
Hiya Regina, and welcome! Smile
Just keep swimming...

#13 28-06-2011 
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BoilingOil, I can relate. I have a bunch of Asperger tendencies. I've never been diagnosed, but reading through the symptoms I couldn't help but think, "Well, that explains a lot!" over and over and over again. Aspy or not, I definitely have a bunch of social foibles and just plain odd personality "quirks" that are linked to it. I know this is one of the reasons I love communicating with people over the internet. I can type things out then go back and try to make sure I remembered to properly thank people, and that what I wrote doesn't sound harsh, etc. At least that's something I can understand the importance of. Big Grin

Thank you so much, Cmo!

And yay! I finally got a link on my portal to Leefish! Thank you again for the button! Big Grin

#14 28-06-2011 
Thanks Regina - reciprocal link has been added.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#15 28-06-2011 
@Regina: Nowadays, it's a bit dangerous to read any descriptions of things you've not been diagnosed with (yet), because many of these things are written in such a way that virtually EVERYONE recognizes themselves in it. In fact, I *have* been diagnosed with PDD-NOS, but when I try to explain to others why that is, they always say "Hey, I've got that too!", but they can function properly, and I can not!

On the other hand, some specialists can diagnose ANYONE with an autism related disorder as well.

But I know what you mean about communicating on the 'net: it's much safer than real life communication, because you have the time to re-read what you're going to say, before you press the "submit" button. When talking to someone face-to-face, once you've said it, there's usually no way back: you're just screwed.


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