Ivy is Driving Me up a Wall!
#1 27-06-2011 
  • Eagle Scout
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(Puns are awesome stuff, aren't they?)

Hello everyone! I am sorry to take up some of your time but I am in desperate need of help right now. The past six days have been pure torture for me; I decided to take on a meshing project. In addition to being my first time adjusting anything (other than some fences which required no additional tweaking on my part) this is my first time converting and poking at parts of the files.

Basically, I have the mesh done. It looks good (I hope) and is completely CAStable, however, there are two things that refuse to cooperate with me.

- Wall Shadows
- Max / Min. height shift-ability

Each time I get a step closer to being done, a new barrier pops up. I know how to make the wall shadows, but for some reason they refuse to appear in game. I learned from Inge that, by editing the bounding boxes, I might be able to adjust the maximum height. That, too, only ended in anger and frustration.

Here are two pictures that might help give you a better idea of what I am working with...
^ This is just a picture of the CASting and pieces of the ivy (There are 3 pieces; The dense bottom, the medium middle, and the sparse top)

^ This is the shifting AND shadow problem (when the shadows actually worked.) Notice the tiny gap? If possible, a tiny bit of overlay is preferred. That way I won't have to make a fourth "in-between" piece.

ANY help with either of these problems at all would be hugely appreciated. I just want to get these working so I can build my castle (I'm not cut out to be a mesher...just want to have pretty ivy-covered walls D: )

Thanks for your time!

#2 29-06-2011 
Hey Q.

Was just talking with Lee about your post, and we came up with one solution. Make another version of the ivy, and sit it high enough on MS, so that the vertical center of the object is about 3.0. That way you'll also have one that WILL cover the area your first version can. And if you make it shiftable, it'll move down to half the floor below, and up the same amount i think. So instead of one version each mesh, make two. A little bit more work, but doable Smile

Also, the wall shadows, could do them in the multiplier as we discussed on Skype the other day.

#3 30-06-2011 
  • Eagle Scout
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Both of those answers are exactly what I was hoping to avoid. Just my luck, eh?

Adding the shadow to the multiplier means I would have to completely re-make the masks which were hand drawn to begin with. I don't even know if it is worth putting in that much effort again :/


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