Another asylum seeker
#1 01-03-2012 
Hi, I'm another one from Simlogical, and I had a bit of trouble answering the question about who brought me over. I had more than one person to put on the list. Heart

I don't know how active I will end up being here, but I know I like a lot of the people.
Ghost, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2012.

#2 01-03-2012 
Welcome to Leefish, Ghost. I hope you'll enjoy yourself as a refugee here (with the emphasis on 'here') Tongue

#3 01-03-2012 
welcome to Leefish Ghost Big Grin
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#4 07-03-2012 
Welcome on the site, ghost.
engelina-c, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Feb 2012.

#5 08-03-2012 
Oops! sorry ghost, missed this. G'Day and welcome to Leefish.
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.


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