Oh gosh what the hell is this?
#1 29-08-2012 
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Well, it's horrible, just horrible. But it's my first mesh. I tried to put a pillow on a chair, but it's horrible. Horrible, hrorible.
I attach the package, the texture map and the .obj mesh for if you want to see the crap it is. Though, I'll try to make it better in the few days, so I create this tread Big Grin
There are no screenshoots because I didn't test it ingame yet, so if some good person could test it, it'd be fine.
And I know it's a crap, but wanna create a thread as changelog and the progress of this mesh.
EDIT: Sorry for the last-reply, I had problems with stupid TS3 savegames and freezes. Here is the capture, I just forgot it :_

[Image: scaled.php?server=441&filename=c...es=landing]

I say again it's a crap of mesh, but i'd like if somebody could say me if there are sim glitchy errors while sitting there because I had to uninstall temporaly TS2 and can't test it yet. With time the mesh will be cooler, but it was just a little base.

Attached File(s)
.rar  ChairPillow.rar (Size: 181.21 KB / Downloads: 741)

#2 29-08-2012 
You could always take a screenshot of the hellish thing in your meshing program. We may be able to offer pointers if we can see a pic, but I doubt most folks would download and install a random file without seeing a pic.

* fanseelamb likes pictures wave

PS: Is it for Sims 2 or 3?

#3 29-08-2012 
* leefish agrees with la lamb.

That is why I told you to take a screenshot in milkshape Big Grin
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#4 29-08-2012 
Agreed... especially when it's about objects, then no pictures means no downloads. Non-object mods are a different story, because it's not always possible to show what difference a mod makes.

#5 30-08-2012 
I agree with everybody else. Even if it's an object in testing, if I can't see what I'm getting, then I'm not downloading it.

I also wouldn't test an object that the creator hasn't checked in game.
[Image: nixedbuttongreen5.jpg]

#6 30-08-2012 
I will take a picture ingame and post it for you later Smile
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#7 30-08-2012 
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Thankyous :3

#8 31-08-2012 
Hrmmm, It looks fine over here. No offense but the pillow does not look so fine, I would suggest Meshing the pillow and chair seperate then combining them together. Or as a bit I would suggest loooking at the EAxis stuff and pull more bits apart from whatever meshes you like. Im not trying to offend but the pillow does not look too good, I have an idea you were trying to attach Tassles to the pillow, You will want to flatten the meshes at certain points and use GIMP or your Photo editing program (NOT PAINT! Paint is not a Photo editing program, well, not a good one anyway...) to use an alpha to make the the Tassles.

#9 31-08-2012 
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levini;16098 Wrote:Hrmmm, It looks fine over here. No offense but the pillow does not look so fine, I would suggest Meshing the pillow and chair seperate then combining them together. Or as a bit I would suggest loooking at the EAxis stuff and pull more bits apart from whatever meshes you like. Im not trying to offend but the pillow does not look too good, I have an idea you were trying to attach Tassles to the pillow, You will want to flatten the meshes at certain points and use GIMP or your Photo editing program (NOT PAINT! Paint is not a Photo editing program, well, not a good one anyway...) to use an alpha to make the the Tassles.

Well, the "pillow" I made is just a placeholder, I'll do it better when I end reading some milkshape things, because I NEVER used it. Anyway I have no problems with textures -just hate a bit UVMapper 'cause at least the free version hasn't Undo action. Really, I just did it for testing a little with SimPE, now I'm working in a Sims 3 version but with a decent mesh Smile


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