Presentation Problems!
#1 14-09-2012 
I've been trying to ask about this in chat but my internet insists on misbehaving at certain times during the day. (There's a definite pattern- when school is out, it starts..then gets better around suppertime..then gets worse again until around the time kids would be going to bed. I've pointed this out to my provider and hope they figure out a way around it soon. It's driving me crazy.)

This set is D.O.N.E. Another mesh idea could pop into my head and it could be the neatest thing ever and I would resist. A simple addition turned into twenty-something meshes.

But I'm having trouble figuring out how to present it. Each and every piece is meant to be used in building a house and none of it is a door/window/floor/wall/obviousbuilditem. The last time I had a set that was meant to be used in building a house (that wasn't doors/windows/etc) a lot of downloaders thought the house I put it all on was the download. Rolleyes

So- help? Ideas? Please?

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

#2 14-09-2012 
The simplest way to present would be present them without a building attached. What actually are the pieces?
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.

#3 14-09-2012 
In a way they are sort of similar to the build set Armiel did for TS3. Why not take a look at her post on MTS? Have one nice big picture (like the one you have posted here) and then have small pictures of the groups. The Vampire Bed thread on MTS is a very nice layout for a post like that.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#4 14-09-2012 
kiri -it's hard to explain. But if you've ever seen Huge Lunatic's beams and columns at MTS, this is an expansion of that. There are taller (up to the roof, with an angled end) columns, angled columns, thinner columns, half round beams, a really short column (made to be used with the taller columns if you build using CFE), 4 fences, a gate, a couple of deco pieces (you can see part of one in the pic with the angled parts).. 25 meshes, I think.. the whole thing got out of hand on me. But I LOVE the way they look.

lee- will look at her post and see if I can figure out how to do what fansee did. For the time being this set won't be submitted to MTS. I used Jeka's log stair texture as a recolor and her TOU states to until I hear from her I can't include that one. Which reminds me that I need to check the TOU of the person who recolored her stairs because I used those textures too. (Not direct copy/paste, they needed edited but I still used them.) HL already said to share so I don't have to wait for her. But, um, my blog isn't MTS so it will end up on there for now.


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