#1 01-03-2015 
After a break because looking after 9 cats when 1 is sick, and getting sick oneself, and having the pc die for 2 weeks, just stops everything from happening for me... We're going to have another challenge.

This one is called "Community Spirit" as suggested by Klaartje. It's about the community - community lots, things to do in the community, things for people of all shapes, sizes, ages, etc

You want to do fitness? That's Community!
You want to build community lots? That's Community!
I want to finish my Veggie bins? That's Community!

Community is what we make it - and here at the Leefish Community we can be challenged by Community spirit!
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.


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