UC - Nvidia (secondary) graphics card problems
#21 08-02-2016 

OK. They've moved the compatibility tab to 'troubleshoot compatibility' which is gotten to by right-clicking on the program, and it's about 3-4 down. That will let you set the compatibility and admin settings.

In the meantime - voodoo on Dathoc's thread suggested something that I think will help for you as well - apparently the securom in the UC is causing lag.

Read it there

let me know how you go.

#22 11-02-2016 
Will check it out ASAP. Oh, and yeah. I used to have a SecuROM problem on my desktop, but I fixed that by updating my BIOS (turned out there was some kind of bug with Intel Skylake and ASUS Maximus socket 1151). I haven't really been bothered by lag; if I'm not too wrong, Windows 10 has got some kind of SecuROM emulator.


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