#1 31-08-2016 
Hi, I have a problem downloading through the finds on one site, Sims 2 City. They go through to download from sims file share. I just had to shut everything down with Task Manager to get rid of it. I don't know if this should be reported to SFS or even how to do it. Can someone please advise me on what to do? Thanks
Duine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2013.

#2 02-09-2016 
If sims 2 city is using adfly while using sim file share, then yes, I would report them to sim file share. Nevermind. You can use adfly with sfs.

#3 03-09-2016 
I was at least lucky enough to stop it, I hope. There were bells, a male voice and threats to wipe my main drive if I closed the link or shut down my pc. I ran a full scan after and nothing was found. It usually works to hit the skip ad button on the upper right, but that time it still tried to download whatever it was. Thank you. (:

#4 25-09-2016 
Yes, I love their stuff, but it annoys me to no end that they use adfly on top of sims file share, especially since adfly is so utterly annoying!

#5 25-09-2016 
I found this on GoS and tried it out, so far I was able to block every download which comes to 55 so far. It still hits the adfly page, but skips to the download file.

#6 26-09-2016 


Sorry, that is a members only option