No-CD.exe HELP!
#1 18-12-2020 
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Hello all! I have been playing fairly vanilla sims 2 game for a couple months now. I just started downloading CC and Mods, and my game has started running a lot slower. I was not aware when the UC came out, and instead have bought all the eps off of ebay. I recently read the post about removing securom from my computer (which I have done) but in the post it says to download a No-CD.exe, but every one that is linked in the comments is no longer there Sad . Every website I go to looks suuuuper sketch, and I really don't want to download a virus. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

#2 18-12-2020 
You clearly need George, provided that you have M&G in your setup. This file has been tested and used by several of the most well-known Leefsh members, and is absolutely safe! It includes the 4GB patch, too. Simply go to the folder where your M&G executable is stored, and replace that file with the exe in this download. Good luck!


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