Sims 2 still crashing after 4GB patch applied???
#1 14-04-2021 
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Hi Leefish Community,

I've been trying to find a solution to this crashing issue I've been having. I already tried the following:

-Applied the 4GB patch
-Used the graphics ruler program to create the appropriate graphic rules for the game (Which helped my game to run more smoothly)
-Tried fixing the standby memory using this method here

The game will usually crash when only on a community lot, it takes about 3-5mins then terminates the program.

If anyone has any knowledge or possible solution to this problem please fill me in, it would be greatly appreciated!

#2 14-04-2021 
You need to add your config-log report so we know how better to help you...

Have you tried running the game without your CC/mods? Read up about it before you yank your Downloads folder - some mods, once placed, need to stay in. But all CC can easily be moved to a folder on your desktop, to check if it is a CC conflict. (Do not 'test' on a used/familiar lot - 'test' on an original untouched EAxis-built lot instead.)
Have you run the HCDU+? It will also help find mod/CC conflicts.

Since it only happens on community lots, I'm guessing it is a mod/CC conflict pertaining to an item used on a community lot. But, it may not be that easy Wink

#3 15-04-2021 
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Thank you for acknowledging this post!

Yes, I certainly did run HCDU to make sure there weren't any conflicting cc/mods, I usually do this anytime I add anything new just for safety. I've attached the config-log report, in the meantime, I indeed will test CC/mod items on a default EA lot to see if this is the possible cause, I only have a handful of them so it shouldn't take that long.
.txt  Config-Log Report.txt (Size: 10.6 KB / Downloads: 348)

#4 15-04-2021 
I hope you find the culprit - I don't know what else to tell you to try. Good Luck!

#5 15-04-2021 
Try running GRM again and change Disable Texture Memory Estimate Adjustment to yes. Don't let it estimate texture memory.

#6 16-04-2021 
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Yes, the disable texture memory estimate is currently set to true. I have no idea why the game is still crashing....I took all the cc/mods out and even redownloaded them to see if any of them were corrupt...Also tested them on a default EA lot. What's odd is I didn't always have this issue, when the game was unpatched it happened less up until a certain point.


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