Let's go to the Museum...and do puzzles?
#1 01-01-2011 
I was lurking around as usual, and fell upon this cool art museum site: Museum Syndicate. It has ove 48,000 images of art and history. What I liked the most about it was it has a jigsaw puzzle game(Java) that uses the art on the site:
Art Jigsaw game.
Just keep swimming...

#2 01-01-2011 
Hey, that place is cool - this was my jigsaw puzzle pic Smile

The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#3 01-01-2011 
Hmm.. Don't think she can fly with those wings. Smile
Just keep swimming...

#4 01-01-2011 
I should see if we can make one for leefish - using the uploaded images..... hmmm
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower


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