• Mirrored Base Game Desks
  • Uploader:
sims2 #1
A while ago I uploaded two desks to MTS - one was a mirror of the other. It's a popular download, so with the help of teamfish (Lee and Shell) Leefish.nl is sharing all 5 basegame desks mirrored. As an extra bonus you get slots on the "empty" side of the desk.

Some have more slots than others - the tibetan desk has an insane 7 extra slots Smile

In all pics the mirrored desk is on the left, the Maxis original on the right. The desks are repository linked to the originals, so all recolours you have in your downloads folder for the original desks will also recolour these.

ItemSubsetsPoly CountPrice
Execudrone desk21410 1000
Club desk 11083 750
Tibetan desk11160 670
Quaint desk 11226 220
Economy desk1226 80

Shell has made some AL recolours for these desks - as the desks are repository then the recolors will work on Maxis desks too Smile

Link to the recolours >>
Base Game Desk AL Recolours

Base Game Desk Bookcase Matching Recolours

Aug 2014: Someone asked me to remove this collab; unfortunately, as that person actually contributed nothing to this project and I was only being nice including him on it, I wont be doing that. What I will do is remove his name from it.
x 28

Please do:
  • Include my objects in your lots
  • Use the objects etc in pictures/machinima/stories
  • Let me know if you recolour one of my items so I can post a link in the upload thread.
Please don't:
  • Share the files as downloads
  • Include my meshes with your recolours unless you ask me first.

You can ask me HERE

Mirrored Base Game Desks Screenshot Mirrored Base Game Desks Screenshot Mirrored Base Game Desks Screenshot Mirrored Base Game Desks Screenshot Mirrored Base Game Desks Screenshot Mirrored Base Game Desks Screenshot    
Download link
Filesize 86.62 KB | File Name Mirrored_Desks.rar | # of Downloads 2,561  
#21 25-08-2014
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You made my dreams come true! In real life I prefer desks to have a wide space on the right hand side and I was almost suffering from the absence of such desks in game. But you brightened my world and turned me into a happy squealing fluffy mouse! Smile Thank you!!!


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