Yin here
#11 30-03-2012 
I still was able to pervertify it Big Grin

#12 30-03-2012 
You naughty little pichu. Big Grin
Yin, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2012.
And proud to be the owner of Atlas Productions - Cavern Of Creativity!

#13 30-03-2012 
Aw , thanks for reminding me ... I needs a avi change

#14 30-03-2012 
Welcome on the forum!
engelina-c, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Feb 2012.

#15 31-03-2012 
Big Grin Thanks for the warm welcome! And now I know how to successfully move the view in blender... (No middle button on my laptop, but I've been using the numpad to get around.)
Yin, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2012.
And proud to be the owner of Atlas Productions - Cavern Of Creativity!


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