Windows 8
#11 14-08-2012 
Eek, old thread bump!

Just wanted to say that I was using Windows 8 RP for the past month or so and loved it. Recently it started freezing and giving me errors, so I decided to backup my data and downgrade to Windows 7.

It's obviously geared towards tablets/touch screens, but I enjoyed how lightning-fast it was.

#12 27-08-2012 
  • Another Youngin
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Windows 8 is... stupid. The Steam platform said that it's bad for gaming (I read at omgubuntu).

#13 30-10-2012 
A lot of people claim steam does not work on windows 8, but I can tell you it does.

It just will not "work" on the start screen, but then it does not "work" on the start menu either, it works on the desktop, as always.

With a bit of luck I'll get my full copy of windows 8 in a few days, then I'll know a lot more, about what works and what does not work.

Basically, windows 8 is windows 7 with a new start UI. A screen, enstead of of a menu.
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.

#14 30-10-2012 
I have Windows 8 pro installed. Sims 2 is working fine for me. However I already had it installed. I have heard that its the installing of Sims 2 that causes issues. I have had no issues with any other software I have, including Steam.
Sailfindragon, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Aug 2012.

#15 07-11-2012 
I'm installing Windows 8 Pro right now, as a clean install, will be trying to install Sims 2 in a bit.
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.

#16 08-11-2012 
Well, Sims 2 is installing on Windows 8 Pro, no problem.
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.


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