Program to create video?
#1 03-09-2012 
Hello all, do you know a program to create video to put on youtube then? that is easy to use and with special effects.
Thanks in advance wave

#2 03-09-2012 
I use Sony Vegas. Far too complicated Big Grin
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#3 04-09-2012 
I use Adobe Premiere. Far too expensive. Big Grin

#4 04-09-2012 
I can think of a couple, but it really depends on what you mean by special effects.

- Pinnacle Videospin (which is no longer officially offered but is still available online, just Google it)
- Wondershare which has a lot of nifty features, but isn't free.
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#5 07-09-2012 
Thank you for replies, I'll try it Smile

#6 07-09-2012 
Ooh I thought of other one, it is called Lightworks. The only reason I remembered it is because I got an email telling me it has been updated. Might be worth a check out.
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