Friday Fish Fever - tester requested
#1 21-07-2013 
I THINK I have finished my club, but I do need a tester for the big booth seat near the toilets. Wanted: confirmation that a group of sims on a social outing will be able to use that table and be served food and eat it from the table.

The attached rar is the club. The lot needs UNI, NL, OFB and AL (possibly ikea for a deco piece). 5 pieces of cc I think.

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

.rar  Fish Fever.rar (Size: 483.72 KB / Downloads: 567)
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#2 21-07-2013 
I got some feedback from Karen - looks like the sims won't sit there, so a small rebuild is in order. Sad

#3 21-07-2013 
oh sorry Lee. Yeah..i was planning on testing that myself today.

#4 21-07-2013 
Aww. Maybe they would if it was a one tile table.

#5 21-07-2013 
Yea, but I want that as a 4 person table so I rebuilt a little. I also killed the break room cos I hate it Big Grin

#6 24-07-2013 
I saw it over at MTS, I like what you did with the booth.


Sorry, that is a members only option