Ridiculous Double Hospital Bed
#11 19-11-2015 
Hi fanseelamb. Question. Is the tray base game compatible? Or does it need certain expansion packs?

#12 19-11-2015 
I honestly have no idea, @d_dgjdhh. I would hope it's basegame compatible but dunno. I'm no expert on objects and since I have all EPs and make things primarily for myself, basegame compatibility has never been a big concern for me.

#13 19-11-2015 
It looks like it is cloned from the magisplay displaytray which is OFB.

#14 20-11-2015 
Well I made it by cloning HugeLunatic's Ikea MALTE tray, which was included in a big set of shastakiss recolours. So errrmmm I...... yeah.

* fanseelamb shrugs


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