#11 09-11-2015 
wave G'Day Simmodder, welcome to Leefish. Just like BoilingOil I thought your name looked familiar, maybe I was thinking of Vincent's sim modder. Smile

#12 09-11-2015 
Welcome welcome. Smile It's always great to see another fishie join the pool. Big Grin

#13 09-11-2015 
Welcome to Leefish, simmodder! This is indeed a nice, friendly pond to swim in. Smile

#14 09-11-2015 
Quote:That might be it! I do have one of AH's higher bills mods. But I still have the feeling you may have done more of note. Maybe some texts about certain aspects of the game? Or a phrase of yours that ended up in someone's signature?

I'm racking my brain! I did also make a mod that made business levels harder to achieve, that's one Ancient Highway also expanded on (he felt my mod didn't go far enough as it only affected the first 5 levels) and a mod that made the job performance meter rise (or drop) slower so Sims couldn't get a promotion every day but instead had to spend a couple of days getting the meter up. As for texts or phrases I'm not sure, I've learn't quite a bit about how the game is coded, but other than a few posts and PMs on MTS I haven't written too much about it.

#15 09-11-2015 
@simmodder - do also feel free to check out the fishmas thread Smile We are all making gifts to be distributed in December as an advent calendar

#16 09-11-2015 
Welcome! The crowd is great you should have loads of laughs and fun.

#17 11-11-2015 
HEY there, simmodder! Big Grin


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