#11 27-05-2018 
Oh no, MLC! So glad you're recovering Heart

#12 01-06-2018 
My ISP, just recently fixed a year long problem that caused LeeFish to take 10 minutes to load, or switch between sub forums. Now I get on quickly, and it's like someone let the air back into the room!

I hope you get better Mustluvcatz! I too, have had a heart attack several years ago. However, mine was caught very early. I changed a bunch of lifestyle habits, and I'm fine now.

I missed being here.

#13 03-06-2018 
Hey! All ya'll! *waves while swimming around frantically* ...just keep simming, just keep simming...

I'm 50-something and I've driven through Tennessee a time or three too. But, I'm trying REAL hard NOT to have a heart-attack. Seriously. Going to my first cardiology appointment in a few weeks. *sigh* Good to hear there is hope (I'll take hope where I can find it - thanks MLC and Kunder!) I'm sorry you had to go through all that MLC. Yuck.

I've missed being here too - and I don't know why I stopped... I just did. Anyway, I'm back now. Love to you all Heart


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