Cat GIFs
#181 31-08-2014 
[Image: tumblr_nacxg3uYga1rw1wnno1_400.gif]

[Image: tumblr_nacxg3uYga1rw1wnno2_400.gif]

#182 01-09-2014 
[Image: FiEOz0z.gif]

#183 01-09-2014 
Is that a true giraffe-muncher big cat? Awesome! Big Grin

#184 02-09-2014 
[Image: tumblr_mslk6yVFY41qdlh1io1_400.gif]

#185 03-09-2014 
Not a gif, but a video. And since it's a few minutes long I don't want to put it here. SO I'll leave a link. Smile There's another one on that page "Lion cubs give worker kisses on his last day" that's pretty sweet.. so watch that one too!

Lioness shows trust in man with her newborn cubs.

It's no secret that the big cats fascinate me. I've spent some time this morning watching videos like this and love this one. Talk about trust! And that little cub playing with mom's tail? Adorable!

#186 03-09-2014 
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! So. Adorable! Heart

#187 03-09-2014 
(03-09-2014 02:03 PM)mustluvcatz Wrote:  "Lion cubs give worker kisses on his last day"

...uuuuh, Confused

wave bye-bye (Sad)

Rofl - obscure, yes?

Ever read this book: Eats, Shoots & Leaves LOL!
Sorry, I digress...
...back on topic:

- AAARGH! Why won't the gif post? If you right-click and open in new tab, you can see it. Sorry...
entitled: Kitten Scientists
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
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(This post was last modified: 03-09-2014 07:37 PM by leefish.)

#188 03-09-2014 
Have you ever heard 'Acropolis Now!' Catherine? Also written by Lynne Truss and hilarious! Worth a listen on BBC radio. (I listen to it via BBC Radio 4 Extra)

#189 03-09-2014 
@CatherineTCJD - maybe they prevent hotlinking. Is a cute gif Smile

#190 06-09-2014 
A lol-cat and an ostrich invite themselves on those pictures.

[Image: 7CF195C8A73E814129E751E6788A0_h402_w598_...FUidPA.jpg]

[Image: 25A3FBE6D5D5AC8619DCCBEE933A_h402_w598_m...GYXKhV.jpg]


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