2-Tiled Maxis Blinds
#11 23-06-2013 
@leefish Saved myself a lot of trouble by starting over and cloning the 1-tile mesh. It's done now and everthing seems to work as it should. Is the upload welcome here? I usually only upload stuff over at my journal, but I'd love to share here as well.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

#12 23-06-2013 
I want to fiddle with it some more because the left side seems to be slightly shorter than the right side, but here's a preview:
[Image: DXF_Blinds_2Tiles_zps925aba6f.png]
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

#13 23-06-2013 
Looking great so far - of course you can upload them here if you like.

#14 23-06-2013 
Thanks. I tried to add another tile in the footprint but that's such a pain in the butt, I'm done with it. Angry
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

#15 23-06-2013 
But such a handy trick once you have it figured out. definitely worth persevering with.

#16 23-06-2013 
I stopped at fixing the footprint in Resource Node (CRES). There wasn't a footprint (cDataListExtension) in the Blocklist dropdown menu, and that really was the end of it. I'd been trying several tutorials already but most of them were outdated and didn't even match SimPE anymore, so I had to give up eventually. This one went well (more or less), but then this problem occured. I was done with it. Sad

If you happen to have a good tutorial, or if you know how to fix the blocklist problem, I'm gonna try again later and update the mesh if I can make it work. (I uploaded it just now.)

#17 23-06-2013 
Yea, like I said in your upload, its a BLIND - footprint not a huge deal. A door or table or something like that, more of an issue. But otherwise you need to add a footprint square and make it intersectable so it "looks nice" when placing. Um, totally pointless imo.


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