Hairdressers shop
#11 10-04-2014 
Am with Lee, upload it!!!!!
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#12 10-04-2014 
The problem is that yesterday I forgot to save the empty lot and now inside there are 2 sim hairdressers Sad
Can I upload lot + Sims? or do I transfer sims?

However it is fun to play with the hairdresser, I'm selling the bottles and things on shelves Big Grin

#13 10-04-2014 
awww, that is a shame Deb. You can of course move the sims out - but all the furnishings will move too. That is the safest way to share a lot, but means you would have to refurnish all of it.....

#14 10-04-2014 
Can't you use the Stay Things Shrub (and Mootilda's fix) and then move the Sims out? Or is that a no-no if you're going to share the lot?

* NixNivis is no builder, so other than "no Sims" she doesn't really know what you can and can't do when sharing a lot

#15 10-04-2014 
Well, there was an EPIC post discussion going on over at MTS a month or so ago, and the stay things shrub was classed as probably safe. The only definitely safe thing is to redecorate - or that is the impression I got. I think if it was mentioned in the post that the stay thing shrub has been used and there had been sims in the lot that might be ok.

#16 10-04-2014 
...what they said Big Grin Upload it please!

ETA: I've uploaded lots - after testing them with sims and using the stay shrub - and everything is fine.
As a rule, I don't do this anymore - now I play-test a copy of the lot and upload a different 'fresh' copy. But, the shrub/fixer are safe to use.
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
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