OCTOBER Challenge - Finish the September Challenge!
#11 29-10-2014 
That looks great Shasta! I really like the backstory that goes with it too. Big Grin

It looks really great and I love the whole minimal CC - Seriously I think it looks fabulous as is, doesn't need any CC to make it look better. I think the discipline of going minimal is a good one, it makes people more creative with limits. Smile

that 1 tile bookcase spot is very infuriating, isn't it!

#12 30-10-2014 
They both look fabulous!! I dont think I will get mine done in time (again!) so hope its ok to add pics later!

#13 30-10-2014 
My game is currently in a no cc but some defaults stage. Was going for a 50's or 60's feel with this.

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

#14 30-10-2014 
Tiff - Of course it's ok to add pictures later! I just love to look so it works for me. Smile

Lunie - that looks fabulous! I'm constantly amazed at how versatile a no-CC or minimal CC building can be. Great imagination!

#15 30-10-2014 
That looks fabulous Lunie such a 60's feel, especially the lounge area!

#16 30-10-2014 
Ooh so glad you put it up, Lunie! I always love what you do with your buildings.

#17 31-10-2014 
Ack Lunie!! The spiral stairs hugging the floating wall? And the concrete fences complimenting your little decks because they're the same height? *steals ideas* Also I love that the bathroom used to be the foyer, what did you put in that 1-tile nook? And I'm amazed at how nice the groovy set works in the kitchen/dining without looking too cartoon-y or out of place with the atomic pieces Smile

#18 31-10-2014 
Will be joining Tiff in the "better late than never club" Wink Not sure exactly when since I've only had access to my game back for about a week, but have started it at least Tongue

Everyone's look wonderful so far!


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