8GB RAM, but only 1024MB used by S2?
#11 02-01-2017 

That sounds excellent, Amy it sounds like your download hygiene is pretty good. Because I don't know how you go, it was worth mentioning it. Smile

Yeah, I always do compressorising, bundling etc on copies, and keep the originals out of game.

Also - don't forget about the naming - that can make a huge difference.

#12 02-01-2017 
I use the 4 GB patch to make the game use 4 GB RAM . And yes the config will go up to that amount Big Grin. I am on my phone or I would link the patch.it is by NT core. I also use it on simpe and milkshape. My upper limit on a 32 GB computer for the game is 15 GB. That is uncompressorized.

I also use clean/empty templates and every mod known to man to keep things like townies from spawning, and witches aand the pickpocket etc from showing up at community lots. I try to keep number of hoods down too.

#13 02-01-2017 
(02-01-2017 05:18 AM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  @CatherineTCJD

Before you do a reinstall, do a test for me....

...what's your downloads hygiene like?

OK - I will. Thanks. "Test" results to follow later...

1. ONLY [.package] files are in my DL folder. I'm a stickler for DL folder organization. (...a bit CDO about it)
2. Filenames are clean (underline and dash are used) And they're shortened as much as possible.
3. It's all compresserized - with the exception of one folder which houses everything that's been sorted with the sims2categorizer instead of SimPE. If an un-sim2cat version was available I used it instead, and compresserized it.
4. I have not bundled... I will look into that. Right now, I don't have any BS stuff added in. It all goes to SavedSims anyway.
5. I don't go more than 3 level deep - with 4 folders (all Numenor's) as exceptions at 4 levels. I can un-folder those if you think I should?
6. No dupes - I love the DDO! No empty packages either.
7. I have all the basic hoods plus 3 uninhabited hoods of my own that I use for building. The basic EAxian hoods are all Tarlia's with empty (via Jawusa) shopping/vacations/etc. You, Kiri, helped me set it all up about this time last year. (Thanks! Again :flower: ) I have lots and lots of lots. I like to build! But, not many characters - and almost no played characters.

#14 03-01-2017 
Update on the 'test' for Kiri...
I created a new game. It worked!

I added back in ALL my CC - just thought I'd throw it all in there and see - it crashed when entering the Rutherford's house (in BelladonnaCove)

So, I took out the folder I have labeled: "WantToUseButCant-CRASHES" - srsly, everything in there works, just not with other stuff.
Fired up the game, went to the Rutherfords/BDC. Good *check*
Had one sit on the couch, the other go pee. Good *check*
Opened the buy catalogue; moved a chair, moved the shower. Good *check*
Clicked on several things in the catalogue. Good *check*
Moved a window. Good *check*
Opened the build catalogue, and clicked around on many things. Good *check*
Exited the game.
Added a bunch of ATS/Sandy's stuff... Rinse, repea... CRASH!
So, now I'm trying to find the CC culprit. *sigh*

Does anyone know of anything from Around The Sims/Sandy that is notorious for crashing?

Thanks for thinking with me Big Grin

EDIT: *sigh* Now it's back to crashing if I try to add anything new (CC) Blah!
(This post was last modified: 03-01-2017 11:33 PM by CatherineTCJD.)

#15 04-01-2017 

Pull out your Saved Sims file, and then try the new stuff. The saved sims file goes into RAM as well.
Also, rather than adding in a bunch of new stuff - try adding in one or two pieces at a time.

But it does seem that you've hit a limit of some sort.


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