Cat GIFs
#191 12-09-2014 
[Image: SARjGXS.gif]

[Image: EKY8PtG.gif]

I know October is a still a little more than two weeks away...but here's a pre-Halloween Aww comic Big Grin

#192 12-09-2014 
it's Slinky Malinky! Sweet!
PS - Who is Heather Franzen?

(...the comment above pertains to the comic under the spoiler)

Here, (to give SOME sort of reason for this post) have a:
[Image: Arbre%20a%20chat.gif]
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
My Etsy shop
Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2014 05:10 PM by CatherineTCJD.)

#193 13-09-2014 
[Image: tumblr_nbj0l56zQ11rw1wnno1_400.gif]

#194 13-09-2014 

#195 14-09-2014 

#196 14-09-2014 
Hahaha awwwwwww. Heart

#197 14-09-2014 
Not gif...but gah! Someone help this poor kitty!

[Image: 4gXyMoq.jpg]

#198 14-09-2014 
* fanseelamb is having severe urges to pick up that poor little kitty who's fallen and can't get up

#199 14-09-2014 
Me too.

P.S. Where were you earlier when I was on the floor (didn't fall, was there on purpose- it was that or actually fall.. long story, lol) and couldn't get up?!? How in the world do my kids lay on the floor to watch TV?!? *is flummoxed* Too painful for me these days. Sad

P.P.S. Josh, my youngest @ almost 17, walked in the room. I held out my hand, he pulled and almost knocked me over the other way. That boy doesn't know his own strength!

#200 20-09-2014 
[Image: 384mPKq.jpg]
I know that feeling all too well...

[Image: ZiC3Fuc.gif]

[Image: EQEFwYs.gif]
(This post was last modified: 20-09-2014 11:43 PM by MSD.)


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