Cat GIFs
#231 05-11-2014 
(04-11-2014 11:35 PM)CatherineTCJD Wrote:  Too cute! ...but, what's in that jar?

Hmm, a butterfly maybe? (Ew.)

[Image: tumblr_nejex9cRLq1rw1wnno1_400.gif]

#232 06-11-2014 
Kitty taking a break...
[Image: 9vRXoVX.jpg]

[Image: Ry8Jsk9.gif]
[Image: d828j7m.gif]
-Source: Too Cute on Animal Planet. If you haven't seen this show, you must see it!

#233 12-11-2014 
In celebration of the site coming back, here's some gifs

Come on up and get your hugs Heart
[Image: tumblr_ndz7jaGLI71tmn92vo1_250.gif]
bath time! [Image: tumblr_negz8biaCJ1tmn92vo1_250.gif]

[Image: tumblr_neh012Hzcv1tmn92vo1_500.gif]
[Image: tumblr_neh0oigIT01tmn92vo1_400.gif]

Nap time!
[Image: tumblr_ne82u6IdJc1tmn92vo2_250.gif]
[Image: tumblr_ne82u6IdJc1tmn92vo1_250.gif]

#234 19-11-2014 
[Image: tumblr_nf9ah7aH4t1qdlh1io1_500.gif]

#235 19-11-2014 
Athletic kitty!!!

#236 03-12-2014 
Okay so this has nothing to do with a cat...... but I can't stop watching it OMG.

[Image: tumblr_nfv5cjbKbi1s2yegdo1_400.gif]

#237 13-12-2014 
Not a gif but I had to share this one because he's sooo cute.

[Image: 149sn6.jpg]

KiKi would look just as adorably dapper in a bow tie but I like my skin just the way it is, lol. So I'll have to make do with internet cats.

#238 14-12-2014 
Hey ya'll - I haven't posted anything here for a while... so, I'm making up for it Big Grin
I have only one gif:
[Image: cat-roll-tail.gif]

And several stills (I couldn't choose a fav, so you get them all! Celebrate
[Image: Cats-in-santa-hats-30.jpg] [Image: Cats-in-santa-hats-32.jpg] [Image: tumblr_lwcpalMLjV1qb2wp3o1_500.jpg] [Image: tumblr_mdv1d26lyQ1qct3m2o1_500.jpg]

...I think this last picture is my favorite. LOL!
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
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#239 14-12-2014 
OMG that gif is such a winner though. Rofl

#240 15-12-2014 
I know, right? He's doing a perfectly executed somersault! Too cute Wink


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