HTML Computer Store
#21 23-05-2012 
I think the break room looks a lot nicer with that new set up and the sofa is less overpowering.

Good grief on the orange Big Grin It looks like the world cup crowds when Holland plays. I like it.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#22 23-05-2012 
Yeah I need to find some recolours for that sofa set, think I had some in the distant past.

Glad you like it Big Grin
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#23 23-05-2012 
Should now come with a warning. Don't view before at least 1 cup of coffee. OMG! My poor eyes...someone pass the eyewash and Ibuprofen. Wink

#24 23-05-2012 
OK - more computer accessories? If you go to Around the Sims in the study, or the clutter area, you'll find loose disks and things like that. has some bits and pieces.

(Thank goodness for Google. I MISS MY BOOKMARKS!!)

#25 23-05-2012 
Ooh, I didn't go there and look, thanks Kiri, will be downloading once I get home from work!
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.


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