sims2 #1
It feels a little silly to post my own creation as a find, but I wanted my valiant testers to know that my trampoline is finally finished and available for public consumption. Big Grin You all rock, you know that, right?

Anyway. The trampoline. It's now called the Sim Bouncer and it functions as follows:
  • Sims aged child - elder gain body skill and fitness, and also fitness enthusiasm if FT is installed - and they have fun while doing it Smile
  • Sims with 3+ body skill can do back flips
  • Sims with 3+ body skill can teach other Sims how to bounce. All Sims can teach, even children
  • Sims can watch when another Sim bounces; they won't gain any skill or enthusiasm, but they'll have fun and be social
  • and finally, this trampoline favours playful Sims, not active ones like other exercise equipment, so it's playful Sims who get the personality bonus of quicker skill building
Have fun, and keep Simming! Celebrate

Note to Testers: I've changed the filename from the test version, but not the GUID, so if you have it in game you'll have to delete the file called obj_nixnivis_skillingtrampoline.package manually.
x 13

With credit and a link, please DO:

- make recolours of my meshes and redistribute the meshes together with your recolours

- include my Bodyshop items with your Sims and my objects with your lots

- use my creations in screenshots, movies or stories; credit is appreciated, but in no way required

But please DON'T:

- take my work and claim it as your own

- upload my work as-is on any website or forum

- use my textures as a base for your recolours

- upload my work on pay/donation sites or to The Sims Resource - yes, that's even though TSR are supposed to be "nice" these days.

- alter or convert my meshes without permission

Thank you for downloading, and Happy Simming!

The Sim Bouncer Screenshot The Sim Bouncer Screenshot The Sim Bouncer Screenshot The Sim Bouncer Screenshot
Download link
#9 20-04-2013
Hee, glad to hear it, MLC! All work and no play makes Evah (and now I'm really curious about her last name) a dull Sim. Wink

But it figures. I've finally decided to upload this to MTS, and the Upload Manager is being a b****. When I get to step 6, Custom Content, then no matter what I do I only see one file listed of the 14 in my zip - and a recol, at that, not even the mesh. Huh But I don't feel like posting in Site Issues only to be talked down to by some site meddler like I was five years old, so I'm just going to skip it.

#10 20-04-2013
Finish the upload Nix. The uploader has been like that for a long time now- BUT all your files will be there at the end. They just don't show up on that screen for whatever reason.

* mustluvcatz goes back to playing with trampolines and telescopes

#11 20-04-2013
Thanks, MLC!! I haven't uploaded anything to MTS in like six months, so I haven't had that happen before. Smile Think I could ask Delphy to give me back the hour of my life I wasted on trying to figure out what the frak I was doing wrong? Rolleyes

#12 20-04-2013
Bad Nix for double-posting, but I just wanted to let you know that this is now in the queue at MTS. Now I'll just have to wait and see what I'll get CR'd for. Tongue


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