Desperately seeking advice or help.
#21 07-03-2015 
@Michelle I just use the megaphone and dont type at all. Can you tell me if this happens in all areas? Or just some? I see the buttons just fine, maybe its a user permissions thing.

#22 07-03-2015 
@leefish, it appears to be in all areas, I've tried here, comments on uploads, PM's. Okay, just clicked on full editor here and they're back again, then clicked on Preview Post and they disappeared again.

#23 07-03-2015 
Its only on reply yea? It isnt on the newtopic?

#24 07-03-2015 
@leefish: I just click on a post topic and it was there, can't say if it was there when I started this topic, I don't remember. Just clicked on Full Editor and it is gone again still not showing on Preview Post. Lee if you want, I can PM you my log on details and you can log on as me and check it out yourself.

Nix says there is no such thing as a stupid question, she may change her mind after reading this. Earlier you said "I just use the megaphone and dont type at all." What does that mean? (insert another blushing smiley here)

#25 07-03-2015 
there should be a little megaphone symbol at the bottom of the "postbit" next to the edit and stuff.

I know its not there; I am unsure why not is all Smile

#26 07-03-2015 
Double posting: should be fixed?

#27 07-03-2015 
@Michelle, first of all - go, you! See, told you it wasn't so bad! Big Grin But yeah, maybe I should have been a little clearer on this point, but as you've discovered yourself, this isn't a magic wand. All you do when you move a joint in the CRES, is to move a joint in the CRES. It will not - cannot - fix any problems with the original object. If Shaundak's upper bunks weren't animated to begin with? Then they won't be animated after you've moved them, either. And if the Nantucked bed only had the "relax" option before? Then it will only have the "relax" option after you've moved it as well. I don't know why the pillow animations appear on the top bunk instead, though, they shouldn't as long as you've moved the correct joint and it doesn't for me. I'd need to see your changed object to know what's going on there.

And as you've also discovered, arbitrarily deleting things when you don't really know how they're connected is generally not a good idea, no. Wink (So please, don't start deleting OBJf's and OBJDs!) I can tell you what's going on with the Nantucket bed, though, and how to fix it. You're right that the problem is with the two TTABs, one of them is set up incorrectly and unfortunately, that's the one the game is using. So we're going to make it so that the game uses the correct one instead. Can't do it right now, though, I'm on my non-simming netbook so I can't take any screen shots. (Do you know how to change an instance number? If you do, then we won't need screen shots. If you don't, screen shots are probably best.)

And no, I still don't think there are any stupid questions. Well, maybe except asking how much a 30c stamp is. Wink

(BTW, in Swedish we use decimal commas, not decimal points, and my system is in Swedish - that's why that part is different. Sorry, maybe I should have mentioned it, but I honestly didn't think about it.)

@leefish, I've had a similar problem to Michelle's. I can't remember all the instances it occurs, but I know that if I'm writing a PM and hit "preview" more than once, then on the second preview, the toolbar disappears and I can't get it back. It happens with forum posts as well - like with this one. I was using the full editor to write it (w/toolbar), hit "preview" twice just to check (waiting a little in between) - and sure enough, now I no longer have a toolbar. I can't remember if this is something that happens with new posts as well; it's been a while since I made one.

While I can code manually, I don't know all the smileys by heart, so it would be great if this could be fixed, yes.

Edit: All right, I just made a new post to check (didn't actually post it, though). When I hit Post Topic, I got the toolbar, the first time I hit Preview, I still had the toolbar, but on the second preview, it disappeared. (And yes, I really would like to be able to preview things more than once, since I often make changes after the first one and also often want to make changes after the second one.)

Edit II: ...only now I tried it again, and now I didn't get a toolbar on Post Topic, twice in a row. Whaaa?

#28 08-03-2015 
@NixNivis: But Nix, I like deleting stuff, to see what happens and I always make sure I have the files backed up first!

I did change the instance number on something quite some time ago, can't really remember how. As for the ',' & '.' I didn't mind, like I said it only took 2 seconds to figure out and now I'll never forget it. Wink Thank you for all the time you are spending helping me.

@leefish: sorry Lee, still no toolbar thingy. I really need to type out a list of all those code thingies for smilies and things like strike, colour, text and keep it handy, the only ones I know off hand are [img], [url], [b], [u], [i], Smile, Wink & Big Grin.

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

.zip  ALTERED-hbnantucketupperbunk-[hopebayler-17.6.2007-11291f] (Size: 60.57 KB / Downloads: 600)

#29 08-03-2015 

I have not changed anything in the new thread, new reply, new topic or preview post in the last year and a half. So either the problem has been there for a year and a half, or something else has changed.

Indeed, something else HAS changed. Browsers. The code base is getting old and some things are a bit scraffly now. I found that if I loaded up the new reply in firefox I had to reload it to get the editor to show. Basically, that is my advice. You reply/start a topic/do previews whatever and no editor? Reload the page.

#30 08-03-2015 
@leefish: Okay, I just tried that 4 times and it worked every time, thank you, Lee Heart


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