Changing the quality of extracted fruit
#31 30-04-2014 
It really can't be something this simple.. really it can't. But it might be worth mentioning so:

[Image: 56212_140430101556ScreenShot1355.png]

The GUID looks to be wrong (top line- in the operands, it doesn't match the objects GUID from what I can tell). Can that be stopping any changes to the file from working properly? (Besides swapping the texture that is.)

#32 30-04-2014 
Interesting! I just did a search, and that is the GUID of the original apple. I'm not sure if this BHAV has anything to do with the quality, but changing it to this object's GUID might still be worth a try. Smile

The more I see of this object, the more I'm convinced it would have been happier as a default replacement with only the resources needed to make it buyable changed. Less things to mess up that way.

#33 30-04-2014 
I agree with you there, Nix. On both accounts. Making the default fruits buyable should not have been too difficult, even without the need to clone them.
And yes, altering the GUID in the above BHAV would make it find the new object in stead of the old apples.

#34 30-04-2014 
Okay, you guys are way over my head, but are you saying that although I changed the quality in simpe, the quality hasn't actually changed because it has the wrong GUID? I don't have time to do anything right now, as I have two kids who need their school work, but I will be back later.

#35 01-05-2014 
Jo, take it one step at a time. Make the change as suggested by Lunie and Nix and test it with the juice using a fruit which may have an effect on the test sim. If that works then you can do the TXTR replacement.

#36 01-05-2014 
The GUID is the same all around. The person did a full clone, left the GUID, for the buyable object. See my previous rant about this. Big Grin

#37 01-05-2014 
@ BO baby, Lee is right the only thing I can do is help make the fruit look more appealing in game, when it comes to the other stuff Jo probably knows as much as I do. I have learnt a few things by reading this thread thanks to you, Lee, MLC, Nix & Lunie. Smile

#38 01-05-2014 
Lee, I will do that. Don't want to start over thinking myself or I will just get confused.

With this fruit once you have placed the fruit in game you can remove the downloaded file and the fruit will still show in the upload- which is great for us lot builders. I thought this was why it used the same GUID? I used the cake slice from the same upload and it works just the same, the game replaces it with the game content so I added no cc using it.

@leefishh: It doesn't work. I set the Param to 0x0003 under 'set quality' for each fruit and had him juice and drink orangeade with no effect. I checked back in simPE and all three still show the new 0x0003 setting.

I was wondering about the line above called 'get quality', would the Param 0x0000 need to be changed in there as well?
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2014 03:47 AM by joandsarah.)

#39 01-05-2014 
it sounds like a plan. Try that.

#40 01-05-2014 
Okay then, that was just a guess, not that i know anything about it!

Still bland and no juicing effect. Is changing the GUID the next thing to try?

is it okay that I am leaving the files in my game while I do this? I change them in simPE, load my Seasons AGS and check.
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2014 11:12 AM by joandsarah.)


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