Sims2 Ultimate Collection
#41 18-07-2014 
Well, it looks like EA have been lazy asses and just chucked all the collections in a big bag. Fun with Pets includes M&G and that is the one you need to run to play (so NOT the Store Edition).

From what I have heard then the CC will be fine, mods which are running on AL will probably work. The advantage is that some players have said that without Apartment Life M&G is a bit wobbly, and AL is the "premium" EP to buy via Ebay etc. So for those players its a plus.

Of course, as these are collections then an AGS isn't possible.

#42 18-07-2014 
@BO, i will be testing it today, putting back my saves, CC, custom lights and custom walls/fences/etc.

First problem i encountered (well, a difference) is this: the file is called "The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection" instead of the basic "The Sims 2".

Also is it safe to completely overwrite the whole file or everything individually? So should the file be named as "The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection" or "The Sims 2"?

#43 18-07-2014 
For whatever reason, my cuctom content does not show on the one pc I have, while it does on the other. I may experiment with that machine to see what happens. Ginnie

#44 18-07-2014 
So, everything seems to be in place, all CC working, no problems at all (except the first-time-looking-trough-catalog lag). Still need to put custom lightning and modular stairs scripts in

#45 19-07-2014 
I gave up trying to make it work on Origin Sad

#46 19-07-2014 
TS2 Ultimate on Windows 8 with no issues *^____^* THANK YOU EA!

I'm going to do the uninstall on my windows 7 and see if it fixes my graphics card issues.

#47 19-07-2014 
Let me know if that is the case - Tiff needed a fix, so my suspicion is that it's the same graphics card as previously.

#48 20-07-2014 
(18-07-2014 12:33 PM)BoilingOil Wrote:  They gave up on TS2 so short after TS3 came out, and pulled down their official TS2 site as well. Why on earth do they now care about us, all of a sudden? I'm certain it's not generocity that drives them.

I'm pretty sure it is to sell TS4. It's pretty obvious that both Sims franchise bases are following TS4 with interest and there have been several TS2 nods in the TS4 marketing. I don't recall any TS3 marketing nods to TS2, and maybe that is where EA feels like it missed an opportunity and wants to take advantage of that now. And don't forget this is part of the glaring reminder that as far as EA is concerned, TS2 is over.

(19-07-2014 10:14 PM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  Let me know if that is the case - Tiff needed a fix, so my suspicion is that it's the same graphics card as previously.

It didn't work unfortunately. The black shadow of doom still haunts my game. Sad I got all excited at first because I was using my Intel graphics card which doesn't have the black square and on Win 7 I'm using the Nvidia card which doesn't work with TS2. Ah well. I will uninstall the Origin version and reinstall my discs just because I don't want my game being tracked.

There is no need to download the Ultimate version if you have all of the physical disks and Windows 7. But you should definitely get the code for it to keep as a back up like leefish is doing. You will definitely want to use it if you are running Windows 8. I think it is awesome that EA gave TS2 a new life span. Here's to another 4 years *heart*

#49 20-07-2014 
The black shadow (the sims) is a one line fix in graphics rules - in the HIGH shadows section set it to none for sim shadow. Its the graphics drivers, not the game.

#50 20-07-2014 
Uhm... I never heard of "origin" until this topic popped up the other day Blush I have all EP/SPs except for H&M - which I will eventually get; and, all of them are registered (with EA before their S2 site went kaboom!) I haven't got an email about any of this? Huh

Should I bother signing up and downloading it? I know I won't bother installing it - it will just gather dust until my physical disks quit working.
Undecided Whaddayathink?
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