Show Us Your Sims!
#41 21-10-2018 
I used to do that, but I found that all I had was a bunch of very similar sims. I now have another bunch of similar sims. I should randomise the aspirations more I think. maybe time fo a new thread about playstyles?

#42 21-10-2018 
I'm working on a BaCC, I would be very interested in seeing other people's playstyle.

#43 21-10-2018 
HEY Kiri!! You're back! We missed you!

I keep my Simmies spoiled, and well cared for. Probably due to the traumatic experiences I had playing NeoPets, with my daughters when they were little girls.Tongue

I also like my Sims to be a little on the "cartoonish" side. They're cuter that way (in my subjective opinion).

Here is Sirleen Smith. Jenny, and PT#9's third child. First "attractive" third child I've ever gotten from them. Included are Shane Foster, the Cymovic, and Gilbert families from my "All Star" Smorgia hood, My made over Julien Cooke, and my professional model, Alysson Mineer.

Jill Smith underwent cosmetic surgery, and made permanent in SimPE. I think her genetics, bled over to Sirleen somehow. I noticed I accidentally got the rest of the Smaddams famly in the pic (Uncle Smester, Smomez, Smorticia, Pfugsley, and Simsday).

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2020 06:21 PM by Kunder.)

#44 21-10-2018 
Hey @Kunder,

Sirleen no dragon! Not too ugly at all, that. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

#45 21-10-2018 
(21-10-2018 03:52 PM)BoilingOil Wrote:  Hey @Kunder,

Sirleen no dragon! Not too ugly at all, that. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin


Most of my Sims come out pretty good for cartoons. I think Simsday Smaddams is adorable!

The best looking Sim I have, is my Katy Cymovic sim (Can't see her too well in the family pic). The Cymovics are the FIRST family I made, when I first started playing Sims. The Gilberts were the second.

My original hood I had them in, got so corrupted (Northbrook), that I had to move all 16 families, delete the hood, then build "Smorgia" for them. Smorgia is only occupied by my original 16 Sim families. I don't play them a whole lot, generally, just as a once in a while treat.Smile

OOOPS! I forgot to include made over, Jill Smith. Here she is! Katy too. I may not make the most complicated Sims, but I DO like showing them off. Smile

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)
(This post was last modified: 21-10-2018 04:48 PM by Kunder.)

#46 22-10-2018 
(12-10-2018 05:27 AM)Pizzatron-9000 Wrote:  Aw, thank you kindly! Heart

I'm a bit eclectic in playstyles, to be honest. I play storylines with some of my Simmy households (ie. my aspiring archvampire Carmilla von Carstein striving to place herself highest among the High Vampires of Pleasantview, Doctor Malevolence building his army of Servos and trying to sell "sleeper agents" into every household for when his bid at conquest over Pleasantview comes, et cetera). The rest of the households are mostly for casual play, with one or two for present, anyway. Previous Simmy guinea pigs have moved out of "experimental" status and have graduated to become either story Sims or casual-play Sims; I started off with Marylin Lupina trying to marry Malcolm Landgraab IV, her daughter Jolene ended up befriending an alpha wolf, my focus shifted to Jolene and the prospect of having my first werewolf ever, and now Jolene's one of Pleasantview's movers and shakers, with a gazillion friends and lovers, four blooming businesses and ten dogs who love her very much. And Marylin came to decide that genuine love is better than money and prestige, so she ended up breaking off her engagement with Malcolm, stumbling across Cole Fleig in Three Lakes, marrying him instead (after a courtship spanning two more vacations) and settling into a foothill cabin on the outskirts of Bluewater Village. So Jolene has a stepfather and two half-sisters now. Big Grin

[Image: MeetMarshaFenmore.png]

More than a few of my Sims have Bios added or amended whenever inspiration strikes me (like Carmilla plotting to remove Jessica Ebadi from the board after the latter burgled her manor, a plot which was on the verge of success when Carmilla yielded to her pangs of guilt and let Jessica live; Carmilla's bio is becoming quite a mess with such events, relationship changes and this-and-that edited in....), and occasionally I actually bother to use the game's "photo blog" feature. And by "occasionally," I mean "rarely." That feature's kind of a mess. Tongue

I don't like to pull the details out of thin air, though; I prefer to take each Sim's personality, Aspiration, skills, Lifetime Want(s), relationships and so many other details into account when cooking up something. Nice clothes are for Neat Sims, rags are for Sloppy Sims. For example, Marsha there. She's a guinea pig created to help me try out a new dorm that I just built, but I felt a little bit frisky and got a bit more in-depth with her and the rest of her household. The dorm's in a bayou or a swamp, so she became a swamp person. She's going to college and I decided on Fortune for her Aspiration, and swamp people are typically dirt poor, so she's a bayou kid who never was fond of living in a bayou, decided to go to college in hopes of landing a great career, striking it rich and putting the bayou behind her. And she's a natural Fitness hobbyist, so she didn't fly, drive or catch a bus; she trainjumped. Stealing rides on passing freight trains is not for the weak. And being Sloppy herself (because when you live in a bog, trying to keep everything clean, fragrant and orderly is a losing battle), none of her present clothing selections are anything a sane person would wear to a job interview. Wink

(What's the difference between swamps and bayous, anyway? I think the difference is that a swamp is some land with a lot of water in it, while a bayou is some water with a lot of land in it. Something like that.)

And sometimes, inspiration comes in the form of a Buy Mode object or some other trivial thing. The menorah which came with Holiday Stuff prodded me into making a Jewish Sim, so now Portia Rubinia is running her little kosher sandwich shop in Bluewater Village, lighting her menorah every winter (at two candles a day; a five-day Simmy winter and eight nights of Hannukah don't mesh too well), and trying to get away from the sandwich shop just long enough to find Mister Right; maybe then she won't be so lonely and the sandwich shop can become a family business.

Anyway, enough about my Sims. Tell me about yours! Big Grin
Your Sims are outstanding! Good on Ya! Swamp, and Bayou are interchangeable, except some use "Bayou" to describe more, open swampland.

I treat my Sims like "pets". I play Sims because I have a "God complex" Tongue (I secretly desire to rule the entire world, with an iron fist). Don't worry, LeeFish, will be spared.Big Grin

I play each family as any weird, warped, and strange, human family might live, except with a little drama here, and there. I like guiding them along the way. I like to "shake up" Veronaville, with my CAS Sims, running interference in the romance department. I like making both the Monty's, and Capp's successful, and letting fate decide the feud. I let them act like Sims. I don't use mods that deter them from eating like pigs (very funny!), I don't really interfere in their quarrels much. I enjoy their reactions when they get cars, and motorcycles. I think it's funny to hear them complain after a new decoration, or some other item is installed in their homes. The only behavioral mods I use, is to stop the "stuff face", and "Stay off my computer/TV/etc".

I don't mind them arguing over "position", or the off-beaten paths they frequently take. Just Sims, being Sims. Smile I make sure Brandi Broke, is either happily remarried, or Skip is resurrected. Most of the time, Darren Dreamer is reunited with Darlene. Lilith Pleasant is always adopted by her Grandparents (The Oldies), and inherit their land, house, money, cars, and possessions. If Mary Sue catches Daniel cheating, He gets his just desserts. He moves out, marries the maid, and has to start all over. If He doesn't cheat, They live sort of "Happily ever after", except Lilith still moves into her Grandparents house so she doesn't run away. I don't like it when Lilith runs away (Only happened once, I figured out how to keep it from happening again) Sad . Lilith ends up marrying a CAS Sim, who treats her like she's deserved. The Goodies, always adopt the Newson kids, to give them a good start, and I LOVE the Ottomas clan!

I just make sure they're fed, housed and happy. I like to keep their moods, and aspirations high. Even "supporting cast" Sims get their moment. When an elder is ready to "Jump the Great Boa", They get my full attention for the last, two, Sim days. They buy some nice clothes, They get to eat lunch at the "Upturned Nose" (VERY fancy restaurant in my game), get the day to themselves, and go home, and after changing in to their finest clothes, and one last meal with the family. They go to their reward with high aspirations, and a full tummy. Smile

This is my way of letting them know that even though I didn't use them much, their efforts didn't go unnoticed, and the game wouldn't have been the same without them.

From the Cymovic's on Lake Smorgia, and the Gilberts who live on "Swampy Sims Road" in Smorgia, to the Ramaswami's, Dreamers, and the Burbs, all my Sims are cared for, and loved. Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 22-10-2018 02:43 PM by Kunder.)

#47 22-10-2018 
I rarely play the premades. I did play the Broke and Ottomas families back in the day and it was a blast.

I should try playing Pleasantview again sometime, it is a great hood.

#48 22-10-2018 
I like the pre-mades, nearly as much as my CAS families. They add a dimension to the game I wouldn't have otherwise. Besides, it's fun learning their little quirks, and personalities. Probably out of the pre-mades, The Smiths, and the DeBateau's, are my favorites.

#49 22-10-2018 
I'm extremely fond of the pre-mades, although my favourites are actually Kaylynn Langerak and Remington Harris, the maids. I've made both of them over so many times.

Of the playables - the Broke/Pleasant/Dreamer/Oldie family entanglement is my favourite. And Daniel Pleasant is my always evil guy.

#50 22-10-2018 
(22-10-2018 12:11 PM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  Of the playables - the Broke/Pleasant/Dreamer/Oldie family entanglement is my favourite. And Daniel Pleasant is my always evil guy.

Daniel is usually my second soon-dead guy. Only one guy beats him to the punch: Don Lothario.
However, in my current game, they both had a chance to procreate before being sacrificed. Don married a beauty named Nissa, and had two sons with her; Nick and Don Jr., both Romance. Then they broke up and Nissa married Ginger and Zora's oldest son, Gregory. Don got stuck with his sons, until he ended up playing lightning rod...
  • Nick Lothario is doing quite good: First he left two cuckoos in the Ramirez nest -- Lisa and Tarin, both female and not twins, either -- then he married a popularity lady (who already had a daughter by his brother), and started a family with her.
  • Don Lothario Jr is a bit too much like the old lightning rod, though. He first knocked up his brother's current wife, and then ended up marrying Heather Huffington, with whom he's got two kids. Heather is very popular among both sexes of the Pleasantview population, while Don Jr. can hardly get a date with his right hand. Heather has been with Ginger and Zora, with Nissa and Gregory, with Nick and his wife... and that's just the family. Tongue

Daniel and Mary-Sue had a kid named Danny-Boy, another good-for-nothing dead-beat, before Daniel slid under that tombstone. I've not yet decided if I want to buy Mary-Sue some elixir or not. She'd need it if she were to start over, because as it is now, she too old to conceive. Whether that elixir gets there, may depend on her success ever finding a good sim to hook up with. She's not interested in girls at all, and the only guys that she feels ANYTHING for, are all happily married. So it's not looking very good, really.

Oh, for who had not yet noticed, here's a little hint about my play style: the time lines are skewed. I can play a couple weeks with one family, and then as the kids have grown up, I suddenly start playing some neighbors of theirs who haven't developed for a long time... So that's how Don Lothario's ex could marry Ginger Newson's son.


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