Coffin for Fansee (Vampire Bed)
I knew the answer to the bunny thing earlier..nope, can't share it at MTS unless it's been heavily modified. If it were a TS3 item converted to TS2? Yep, could share it.
@Kiri, I've been having this vivid mental image of vampires (for some reason I picture Fansee's Bill and Erik Sims) trying to assemble an IKEA coffin, and swearing over how there seems to be at least five screws missing and there are three bolts that don't seem to go anywhere...
* NixNivis actually didn't know those little IKEA thingies were called alan keys - even in Swedish, she just calls them "those little IKEA thingies"
Now I'm off to check I haven't messed up Fansee's mapping so I can slave my deco coffin to the full-size one...
* NixNivis actually didn't know those little IKEA thingies were called alan keys - even in Swedish, she just calls them "those little IKEA thingies"

Now I'm off to check I haven't messed up Fansee's mapping so I can slave my deco coffin to the full-size one...
MLC: The table looks AWESOME! I totally love it, and I love the cube shelves too! As for the textures, I will remove that shadow from the dark colours. Was out all day today so didn't work on it at all, but perhaps tomorrow. 
Hmm... You know, the Ikea Stuff pack has a small nightstand with drawers that acts as a dresser. Perhaps this table could act as a dresser too? I don't think sims open any drawers on the Ikea one, they just stand in front of it and spin into an outfit. I'm not 100% sure on that but in any case I think it'd be good enough.
You KNOW.... there's this hobby car in the FreeTime EP. It starts out all wrecked, then sims struggle to work on it and it begins looking nicer, they struggle some more and finally get it done. So in THEORY.... we could replace stage 1 with a flat Ikea box, complete with line drawing of the vampire bed on it. Sims struggle with the box a bit and it turns into a pile of sleekly cut wood. They struggle some more and it turns into the vampire bed (which they could just sell, not use - same as the FT car is not driveable.) You know. In theory. I think the car mesh has some tools or something on the side, so the Ikea box could have an alan key and pile of screws. And the finished Sömnig Vampire Sleeper would still have some screws scattered around it.... the ones Bill and Eric messed up and left out. You know. In theory. Ooh and perhaps an instruction diagram too. Laid out flat and readable during stage 2 when the thing is a pile of wood, then all crumpled up next to the leftover screws at the end.
Vampire sleeping chambers also need to be DARK, right? Keep the sun out. So they'd need a really solid shade to cover the windows. Perhaps something like these blinds that conform to the shape and size of any window. But instead of blinds it's a sleek slab of solid wood (mapped to the coffin or its base) with handle at the bottom to slide it open at night. In theory it'd be a simple mesh to create - just one thin box with the already made handle stuck on. Perhaps two versions, one totally closed and one only partly closed. It wouldn't keep the light out of course.... for that we'd probably need a special window, but I think a blind that fits any window would be really neat. I'm not exactly sure how to make that, but it's an idea anyway.
I also plan to make decorative versions of my old Tru Blood bottle and case. I've been considering doing that for a while, to use as decor in bars and whatnot, so this is the perfect opportunity. They'll look fabulous sitting on MLC's Sömnig Daystand* and shelves!
*took the liberty of naming that table for you. Daystand. Get it? A nightstand for vampires 'cause they sleep during the day. Yeah. * fanseelamb takes a bow

Hmm... You know, the Ikea Stuff pack has a small nightstand with drawers that acts as a dresser. Perhaps this table could act as a dresser too? I don't think sims open any drawers on the Ikea one, they just stand in front of it and spin into an outfit. I'm not 100% sure on that but in any case I think it'd be good enough.
NixNivis;14420 Wrote:@Kiri, I've been having this vivid mental image of vampires (for some reason I picture Fansee's Bill and Erik Sims) trying to assemble an IKEA coffin, and swearing over how there seems to be at least five screws missing and there are three bolts that don't seem to go anywhere...

You KNOW.... there's this hobby car in the FreeTime EP. It starts out all wrecked, then sims struggle to work on it and it begins looking nicer, they struggle some more and finally get it done. So in THEORY.... we could replace stage 1 with a flat Ikea box, complete with line drawing of the vampire bed on it. Sims struggle with the box a bit and it turns into a pile of sleekly cut wood. They struggle some more and it turns into the vampire bed (which they could just sell, not use - same as the FT car is not driveable.) You know. In theory. I think the car mesh has some tools or something on the side, so the Ikea box could have an alan key and pile of screws. And the finished Sömnig Vampire Sleeper would still have some screws scattered around it.... the ones Bill and Eric messed up and left out. You know. In theory. Ooh and perhaps an instruction diagram too. Laid out flat and readable during stage 2 when the thing is a pile of wood, then all crumpled up next to the leftover screws at the end.
Vampire sleeping chambers also need to be DARK, right? Keep the sun out. So they'd need a really solid shade to cover the windows. Perhaps something like these blinds that conform to the shape and size of any window. But instead of blinds it's a sleek slab of solid wood (mapped to the coffin or its base) with handle at the bottom to slide it open at night. In theory it'd be a simple mesh to create - just one thin box with the already made handle stuck on. Perhaps two versions, one totally closed and one only partly closed. It wouldn't keep the light out of course.... for that we'd probably need a special window, but I think a blind that fits any window would be really neat. I'm not exactly sure how to make that, but it's an idea anyway.
I also plan to make decorative versions of my old Tru Blood bottle and case. I've been considering doing that for a while, to use as decor in bars and whatnot, so this is the perfect opportunity. They'll look fabulous sitting on MLC's Sömnig Daystand* and shelves!
*took the liberty of naming that table for you. Daystand. Get it? A nightstand for vampires 'cause they sleep during the day. Yeah. * fanseelamb takes a bow
@MLC, it looks great! I want that nightstand daystand IRL - and the cube shelves, too! Somebody should show them to Ingvar Kamprad.
@Fansee, LOL, a ready-to-assemble coffin would be brilliant! In theory.
Oh, I just checked the IKEA nightstand/dresser, and Sims do pull out the top drawer to get their clothes. Which of course doesn't mean they'd have to do it for this one.
And I've had a brilliant idea for the music box (or at least I think it's brilliant). It's not a music box... it's an alarm clock!
When the clock starts ringing, the coffin opens and the vampire sits up, and when it stops, he lies back down again and the coffin closes.
BTW, this is the not-yet-animated, vampire-less version of the mini coffin:
Slaved to Fansee's, of course.
Now, this means that the vampire won't be recolourable (since the coffin already has two subsets), so there's a very important question that needs to be answered.
Do we want a dark-haired vampire, or a blond one?

@Fansee, LOL, a ready-to-assemble coffin would be brilliant! In theory.

Oh, I just checked the IKEA nightstand/dresser, and Sims do pull out the top drawer to get their clothes. Which of course doesn't mean they'd have to do it for this one.
And I've had a brilliant idea for the music box (or at least I think it's brilliant). It's not a music box... it's an alarm clock!

BTW, this is the not-yet-animated, vampire-less version of the mini coffin:
Slaved to Fansee's, of course.

Do we want a dark-haired vampire, or a blond one?
He should be the epitome of vampires, and the one that all sim vamps are based on - Dracula! Slicked back black hair and a black cape worn over a tux.
Love the alarm clock idea too.
Love the alarm clock idea too.

* NixNivis can't quite picture Dracula sleeping in a coffin from IKEA 
Of course, we could have two alarm clocks/music boxes/whatever we decide they'll be. An IKEA version with a Bill-type vampire, and a fancy version (based on/slaved to the NL coffin) with a Dracula-type one.

Of course, we could have two alarm clocks/music boxes/whatever we decide they'll be. An IKEA version with a Bill-type vampire, and a fancy version (based on/slaved to the NL coffin) with a Dracula-type one.

Ooh yes, a NL coffin alarm clock/music box would be super cute! I could totally picture a tall blond Swedish vampire sleeping in an Ikea vampire bed and having a Dracula coffin alarm clock.