Sims 2 and Graphics Cards - the fixes.

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#781 04-09-2014 
Hello everyone!Smile
I have the following problem:
The custom doors and windows are flashing in pink, this started from one day to another.
Here a picture:

My system is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits, my graphic card is Nvidia Geforce 8200 m g.

Anyone can help me?

Attached File(s)
.txt  ROMAN-PC-config-log.txt (Size: 10.21 KB / Downloads: 397)

#782 05-09-2014 
Ahh! Thanks for that explanation - I'll look out for it next time someone has blurry. I'm looking into the E_INVALIDARG error - will get back to you if I find a solution, but the Intel card is actually quite a good alternative while you wait. Smile

#783 05-09-2014 
The reason why it goes pink is because of a few different reasons, so we'll have to work through them until we find the one that belongs to your system.

1. Your Video Card isn't listed in the Video Cards.sgr. For Ultimate Collection this can cause Pink flashing.
Download VideoCard

2. Your graphics driver for your graphics card is having problems. Sometimes this is because it needs to be updated, sometimes it needs to be rolled back. NVidia drivers have just been updated, so I'd go with the updating.

3. Sometimes your graphic driver is having problems because you have too much CC in game so you're making it work too hard. Check how much you do have. If it's over 8-10G. That may be a problem.
The way to test for this is to
a. set up a vanilla game hood, and just put your custom doors and windows in it. Does it flash? No. Then the problem is not the doors and windows themselves.
b. Go back to your normal game and pull-out half your CC temporarily. Does it flash? No. Then it is probably too much CC.

If it is this problem, you've got a long work ahead of you reducing the amount of CC that you have.

4. If the problem is confined to one lot or one hood, then it's a corruption in that lot or hood.
For this one - try Mootildas hood fixer. But be prepared to ditch the lot/hood if it doesn't work.

#784 05-09-2014 
Ok, thanks for your wonderful explanation!!!
I will follow your advice and then reporting the results.

#785 05-09-2014 
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My laptop died so now i have to run my sims 2 on my computer. My boyfriend has tried to help me get it running here but he can't fix it. Browsing trough the internet i found alot of fixes and people with the same problems, but so far nothing has helped.

The error msg im getting is Failure to enumerate any DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapters in this System!

My computer is running with a Ati Radeon HD 3800 cards.

Can you plz help me get the game running i dont want to loose all my families.

With kind regards,


Attached File(s)
.txt  FLAMEYVO2-PC-config-log.txt (Size: 1.01 KB / Downloads: 391)

#786 05-09-2014 
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@Caesum - please don't suggest this sort of thing. First of all we need to work out what the problem is.
@celebkiriedhel - sorry, thought it would be helpful if anything else fails. I guess I'll just stick to my problem then lmao
@Caesum - no worries - just save it until after I've had a go and failed, that's all.
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2014 09:21 AM by celebkiriedhel.)

#787 06-09-2014 

Hi. When you are talking about your boyfriend's PC - do you have the disks or digital download?

To be able to help you - I need the following information:

1. The type of PC your boyfriend has - what O/S and what specs.
2. Sims 2 - do you have the disks or digital downloads? Are you going with Ultimate Collection?
3. the dxdiag.txt - do you know how to run this?

There are a few things we can work through together that may solve this problem.

#788 06-09-2014 
Hello again!
Solved the problem!, the problem was a mixture of things:
1- the last driver of nvidia not working well in my notebook, I'm using one of 2008.
2- the doors and windows created by me, were corrupt.

Everything seems to work fine for now, thank you very much for your help!!!

#789 07-09-2014 
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Hi Kiri, I'm still getting the 'DirectX9.0c' error and the game not starting at all. I've tried both NVidia fixes but neither seems to work. I've attached my config-log.

Attached File(s)
.txt  ORANGEBOX-config-log.txt (Size: 10.52 KB / Downloads: 395)

#790 07-09-2014 
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Hi celebkiriedhel,

Im using a digital download version sort of. Since the disk where lost in the move but my boyfriend always notes down the serial keys. I downloaded the torrents to run them with my own serial keys.

1. The type of PC your boyfriend has - what O/S and what specs.

O/S = Windows 7 64bit
E6750 intel processor (2.66 core 2duo)
2. Sims 2 - do you have the disks or digital downloads? Are you going with Ultimate Collection?
See anwser above.
3. the dxdiag.txt - do you know how to run this?
file added.

Im running the latest videodrivers i could find on their site.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 35.65 KB / Downloads: 370)


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option
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