Sims 2 and Graphics Cards - the fixes.

A new program is out to help you with graphics rules
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#791 07-09-2014 
There is a very good chance that the problem is with the torrent. To be honest, it's probably worth it to go to Origin and get them to give you the digital download that matches your games. Having the serial numbers will be able to be used to prove purchase. That way you're far more likely to get a true version. Who knows what comes with a full torrent? I don't. Whatever you do - do NOT tell EA you used a torrent.

However, this problem has come up enough times that EA has a help page for it - "Failed to find a direct x 9.0c Compatible graphics adapter or graphic adapter failure error"
Which is why I asked for the DXDiag. Yours are all enabled - so that's not the problem.

DDraw Status: Enabled
D3D Status: Enabled
AGP Status: Enabled

For Sims2 your B/F's computer is a bit underpowered to play it at high res. The Graphics Card is about 7 years old, and it has 512Mb which is not a lot. On top of that your b/f's computer has less than 3MHz Sims doesn't really look at duo core - so it will flip to medium.

Hmmm... I'm not sure I can do anything more for you.
All that is really left for me is setting up a graphics card/Video cards sgr for you - and for that I need a config-log.txt that gets further than what you've got there.

Sorry about that.

#792 11-09-2014 
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There is a small problem with the "graphicsrulesmaker-1.0.0" in that it is leave 2 blank spaces at the end and it is making My Sims 2 M&G say I don't have a direct 9 card.

It says this in the sgr. ( card 0x11c0 "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 " ) but to get it to work it needs to be like this ( card 0x11c0 "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660" )

ADD: I see a lot of players are having the same problem as me with the same error. "Failed to find a direct x 9.0c Compatible graphics adapter or graphic adapter failure error"

What it took for me to fix it was to delete the 2 empty spaces between 660 and ".
The program puts in 2 extra spaces and as soon as I removed them it worked.
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2014 03:12 AM by marka93.)

#793 11-09-2014 
Thanks marka for letting me know.

#794 13-09-2014 
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I'm using Windows 8.1 x64 and The Ultimate Collection. I used the Graphics Rules Maker to change my settings and add my video card to the videocard.sgr file, but I still experience pink flashing objects, doors and windows, and ghosts. I haven't done extensive testing, but it happened after I had a sim change their appearance. I have a lot of custom content, so normally I would just write it on that and cull my downloads, but when that has happened in the past it has always flashed purple, not pink, and it also happens in BodyShop when I randomise sims, which I've never experienced before (it's kind of exciting to get a new issue even though it's annoying because I've been playing TS2 since ~2004).

One thing I'm wondering is whether it could be because it identifies my graphics card as a 'AMD R9 200 Series' instead of a 'AMD R9 270X'? (I'm grasping at straws here).

Attached File(s)
.txt  ARCHIMEDES-III-config-log.txt (Size: 10.26 KB / Downloads: 468)

#795 14-09-2014 
The AMD R9 200 Series is how it is identified in the Graphics Driver. Changing that would only make it not match. I've had a look at your config log and it looks fine.

When it's flashing Pink or Purple that generally means that your Graphics Driver has a problem. Sometimes it's a problem with the graphics driver, sometimes it's a problem with the load, or sometimes with a corrupted object, lot or hood.

These are the steps I go through when I'm sorting out this issue. Unfortunately it's not a simple do this and then it will work.

1. Make sure the driver and database in the config-log match. This is already done in your card. Given what Marka was saying about the Graphic Rules maker adding spaces on the end of the name, I'd have a look at your video cards.sgr which is in the same place as your graphic rules.sgr. There are double quotes around the name, so it should be easy to spot.

2. Your graphics driver for your graphics card is having problems. Sometimes this is because it needs to be updated, sometimes it needs to be rolled back. NVidia drivers have just been updated, so I'd go with the updating. Zeuss sims had this problem and found he had to roll back.

3. Sometimes your graphic driver is having problems because you have too much CC in game so you're making it work too hard. Check how much you do have. If it's over 8-10G. That may be a problem.
The way to test for this is to
a. set up a vanilla game hood, and just put your custom doors and windows in it. Does it flash? No. Then the problem is not the doors and windows themselves.
b. Go back to your normal game and pull-out half your CC temporarily. Does it flash? No. Then it is probably too much CC.

If it is this problem, you've got a long work ahead of you reducing the amount of CC that you have.

It also may be that you've added a corrupted skin - if you can remove your lately added skins and the problem goes away, then that's the problem.

4. If the problem is confined to one lot or one hood, then it's a corruption in that lot or hood.
For this one - try Mootildas hood fixer. But be prepared to ditch the lot/hood if it doesn't work.

#796 16-09-2014 
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Hi, kiri! I don't mean to be impatient or anything, but I just wanna make sure you haven't forgotten about me! Is it still possible for you to do this for me?

(20-08-2014 05:22 AM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  @badwolf
Yup that's what I was looking for. You have a clock speed of 1866MHz, and dual cores - dual cores don't turn up on the graphic rules, unfortunately (because Sims 2 was invented before Dual cores).
I'm a bit nervous about updating to allow smooth edges, because it's going to be a strain on your CPU, and that can cause other problems. However you actually do have dual cores which does allow for it.

What I'll do is, I'll set you up a card similar to the MED CPU card - but with more turned off. What I'd like you to do - is be careful with what happens.

First of all I want you to install a heat monitor to check if the temperatures jump too high - compare the heat generated from your laptop with Sims2 to something else that your laptop can cope with.
If it overheats - you need to shut your game down to let the laptop cool down.

Second of all - if you get flickering or pink flashing textures - this is showing that the smooth edges is too much for your laptop. You will need to remove the graphic rules sgr and replace it with the original.

I'll link you to a heat monitor when I put up the card. I use one all the time - it's not hard to use.

#797 16-09-2014 
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EDIT: Awawawaww I have fixed my game! Apparently Origin did NOT(!) update my The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection!

If you have problem with E_INVALIDARG with The Sims 2 make sure it has the NEWEST update installed. Also make sure you are not running it in window mode, otherwise it will crash.

I have also noticed that Graphics Rules Maker does not seem to be of any use for me. I have tried using it but not only it does not replace settings in both Config and CSConfig, but they don't work for my GPU anyway. Thankfully NIVDIA Texture Fix provided by CELEBKIRIEDHEL fixed graphical issues for me. I only had to manually edit it to add my resolution(1920x1080).

Thanks for your help!
(This post was last modified: 16-09-2014 01:57 PM by Caesum.)

#798 22-09-2014 
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Greeting from Romania. I have a problem. When I try to Create- A -Family, game crash. I try and do all the steps that you show up here but didn't work Sad

I use Windows 7 service pack 1 and I have all extension pack, The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff being the last installed.

I create print screens hoping that help. Tnx a lot and big hug.

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

.txt  ADRIAN-MARIN-config-log.txt (Size: 10.27 KB / Downloads: 456)

#799 27-09-2014 
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Hello I have the Sims 2 ultimate collection. Where are the saved games stored? My computer had to be wiped due to some issues so i saved the the Sims folder from Documents>EA Games> The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection. When i got my commuter back i re installed the game through origin and then put the folder back. my pictures and videos show up but not my families nor houses. Did i do something wrong? thanks in advance for your help.

#800 27-09-2014 

When you say that you saved your sims folder from Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection/ - what are the sub folders you have?
Do you have a folder called Neighborhoods? What do you have in that folder?

If that folder is missing, or there is nothing in that folder - then you've lost your hoods.

I'm assuming you have Windows 7 or 8 - there are 2 locations that they can put saved games. It may be that you saved the wrong location.

On windows 7 the full address is
C:\Users\Users\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\

I'm not sure what the full address is on Windows 8.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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