#21 20-04-2012 
I'll be building myself a model later this year with specs similar to that! That's an awesome PC you got there.
Yin, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2012.
And proud to be the owner of Atlas Productions - Cavern Of Creativity!

#22 20-04-2012 
Yes it is. Thank you, everyone.

This box truly is a fantastic beast: everything loading and playing so effortlessly is something I never believed possible... You know how you see in movies and TV series how someone boots up a computer and the desktop shows up in a few seconds? They even did that back in the 90's when such speed was absolutely unthinkable in RL. But now I can finally make that happen at home.

#23 08-05-2012 
That sounds completely awesome... and you're used to Windows 7 now? I have Son of Lappy that has crappy CPU and Ram (I bought it on the run for travelling) - it has Windows 7 and with crappy CPU and Ram, it's just frustrating. I breathed a sigh of relief to get back to my 5yo PC with XP.

But I need to update my PC, and your rig sounds so awesome I am really tempted to borrow (pinch) your stats to get a good PC. Smile It's only been the Windows7 that's been the hesitancy.

#24 08-05-2012 
Ok, let me be honest with you, Kiri. At first, when I bought this machine, I wasn't looking forward to the W7 part, because so far, every new version of Windows since W98SE was worse than its predecessor.

But I've been using it for a bit more than 2 months now (I think), and I wouldn't want to go back to XP anymore. But I think it helps that this random stack of spare parts is rather modern, rather new. A lightning fast CPU and GPUs, a huge amount of memory, lots of harddisk space... There just aren't any bottlenecks for W7 to run into. And believe me, that makes all the difference in the world.

#25 08-05-2012 
About Windows 7. When I got this computer (about 2 months ago, nowhere near as awesome as BO's..but a lot, lot better than what I had!) I thought "Oh no! Not Windows 7." I was a die-hard XP user. Now? I hear XP and think "XP? What's that?". Seriously. It took some getting used to but I love Windows 7 now.

#26 08-05-2012 
Thanks BO and MLC - that's very encouraging Smile


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[PHP]   errorHandler->error