I'll be building myself a model later this year with specs similar to that! That's an awesome PC you got there.
Yin, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2012.
And proud to be the owner of Atlas Productions - Cavern Of Creativity!
And proud to be the owner of Atlas Productions - Cavern Of Creativity!
Yes it is. Thank you, everyone.
This box truly is a fantastic beast: everything loading and playing so effortlessly is something I never believed possible... You know how you see in movies and TV series how someone boots up a computer and the desktop shows up in a few seconds? They even did that back in the 90's when such speed was absolutely unthinkable in RL. But now I can finally make that happen at home.
This box truly is a fantastic beast: everything loading and playing so effortlessly is something I never believed possible... You know how you see in movies and TV series how someone boots up a computer and the desktop shows up in a few seconds? They even did that back in the 90's when such speed was absolutely unthinkable in RL. But now I can finally make that happen at home.
That sounds completely awesome... and you're used to Windows 7 now? I have Son of Lappy that has crappy CPU and Ram (I bought it on the run for travelling) - it has Windows 7 and with crappy CPU and Ram, it's just frustrating. I breathed a sigh of relief to get back to my 5yo PC with XP.
But I need to update my PC, and your rig sounds so awesome I am really tempted to borrow (pinch) your stats to get a good PC.
It's only been the Windows7 that's been the hesitancy.
But I need to update my PC, and your rig sounds so awesome I am really tempted to borrow (pinch) your stats to get a good PC.

Ok, let me be honest with you, Kiri. At first, when I bought this machine, I wasn't looking forward to the W7 part, because so far, every new version of Windows since W98SE was worse than its predecessor.
But I've been using it for a bit more than 2 months now (I think), and I wouldn't want to go back to XP anymore. But I think it helps that this random stack of spare parts is rather modern, rather new. A lightning fast CPU and GPUs, a huge amount of memory, lots of harddisk space... There just aren't any bottlenecks for W7 to run into. And believe me, that makes all the difference in the world.
But I've been using it for a bit more than 2 months now (I think), and I wouldn't want to go back to XP anymore. But I think it helps that this random stack of spare parts is rather modern, rather new. A lightning fast CPU and GPUs, a huge amount of memory, lots of harddisk space... There just aren't any bottlenecks for W7 to run into. And believe me, that makes all the difference in the world.
About Windows 7. When I got this computer (about 2 months ago, nowhere near as awesome as BO's..but a lot, lot better than what I had!) I thought "Oh no! Not Windows 7." I was a die-hard XP user. Now? I hear XP and think "XP? What's that?". Seriously. It took some getting used to but I love Windows 7 now.