New kitchen stuff
I'm very pleased with how this is turning out:
At the moment there's the counters, table and upper cabinet with 1 recolor done. There's metal trim around the counters and the table. I had to make a separate piece of trim for the counter with a sink because it disappeared when you put a sink in. (Yay me for figuring that one out, lol.) I still have to finish the island and I'd like to do another upper cabinet or two. There's a backsplash I did awhile back that fits in, so that might be included.
I think these are final versions for these meshes- just one or two tweaks left. (The knobs on the upper cabinets for one.) I couldn't match the blue 100% and you can see the difference on the cabinet doors. I might try one more time to match it- unless it looks alright?
Me? I love this so far. But..opinions? Does it look too much like in game meshes? Are there things that can/should be changed? Does the trim look stupid? Does this look kinda/sorta retro? (Is is supposed to? Well, let's see..) I was going to do a chair- but at least 2 of the game chairs look good with this. Chair anyway? Sorry so long, but I really do worry about my new stuffs- just because I like it doesn't mean everyone else would.
At the moment there's the counters, table and upper cabinet with 1 recolor done. There's metal trim around the counters and the table. I had to make a separate piece of trim for the counter with a sink because it disappeared when you put a sink in. (Yay me for figuring that one out, lol.) I still have to finish the island and I'd like to do another upper cabinet or two. There's a backsplash I did awhile back that fits in, so that might be included.
I think these are final versions for these meshes- just one or two tweaks left. (The knobs on the upper cabinets for one.) I couldn't match the blue 100% and you can see the difference on the cabinet doors. I might try one more time to match it- unless it looks alright?
Me? I love this so far. But..opinions? Does it look too much like in game meshes? Are there things that can/should be changed? Does the trim look stupid? Does this look kinda/sorta retro? (Is is supposed to? Well, let's see..) I was going to do a chair- but at least 2 of the game chairs look good with this. Chair anyway? Sorry so long, but I really do worry about my new stuffs- just because I like it doesn't mean everyone else would.
Love it, but I've already told you that. Love the colours. Are you going to do some more? And yes it reminds of retro 1950s. Of course lilac/purple/mauve would be the bestest recolours, why? Because they're my fave colours
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.
BO - Thanks.
Karen - Oh yeah, definitely more colors. These are easy to do so that's a plus. I'll have to work out some more combinations and I'll see if I can work some purply/pinky ones in.
Lee - I haven't tried it yet. Guess I haven't quite figured it out yet. Since it won't change the mapping I was leaving that for last.
Since I posted the pics I changed the table a bit. For some reason I didn't map the panels on the doors to be the tabletop color. So that's fixed. Which means the counters need redone too..and it better not screw up the joints! (Counter joints suck.)
Karen - Oh yeah, definitely more colors. These are easy to do so that's a plus. I'll have to work out some more combinations and I'll see if I can work some purply/pinky ones in.
Lee - I haven't tried it yet. Guess I haven't quite figured it out yet. Since it won't change the mapping I was leaving that for last.
Since I posted the pics I changed the table a bit. For some reason I didn't map the panels on the doors to be the tabletop color. So that's fixed. Which means the counters need redone too..and it better not screw up the joints! (Counter joints suck.)
Thanks Twi.
More Pics:
The lamp is one of a set I've had knocking around in various folders for about 2 years. I'm not really sure it matches well, but the colors do at least. The rounded thing isn't a counter, it's a shelf that needs finished. I think that's how the 2nd upper cabinet will look, except smaller. And I decided against changing the way the counter door panels are mapped..I think it would actually be too much.
Extra cake for anyone who guesses who/what inspired this set. (Hint: It has to do with TS3.)
* mustluvcatz runs off to make cake just in case
More Pics:
The lamp is one of a set I've had knocking around in various folders for about 2 years. I'm not really sure it matches well, but the colors do at least. The rounded thing isn't a counter, it's a shelf that needs finished. I think that's how the 2nd upper cabinet will look, except smaller. And I decided against changing the way the counter door panels are mapped..I think it would actually be too much.
Extra cake for anyone who guesses who/what inspired this set. (Hint: It has to do with TS3.)
* mustluvcatz runs off to make cake just in case
armiel's buy set? lee's table and chairs?
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.