Cut the rope
#11 08-05-2012 
he actually does a bunch of cute stuff. I know in the Experiments, he would do handstands when you tapped the area around him or near him.

BTW, I propose we all change our avis to something along the theme Tongue

#12 08-05-2012 
um no. Can change to a fish avatar if you like Big Grin
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#13 23-05-2012 
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DAAAWWW, that was so cute! Thanks for sharing.

EDIT: Oh crap did I just resurrect a thread????? O_O

#14 23-05-2012 
We allow some threadcromancy. Big Grin
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower


Sorry, that is a members only option