Hi All
How sweet thanks Lee. Great news, Hubby figured out how to get rid of not only proportal, but google seo as well. Right now I have a totally clean MyBB and we will be testing out the updated site on our local host for a few days to be sure everything is still working like it should.
That is good news. Of course, editing the database is the easiest way to "fix it" but rather hard to explain in a chat room. From my own experiences with pro_portal, the worst that could happen if you didn't clean it is that you have some (very small) unused data in the db and a pointless tab in the ACP.
Google SEO - I don't know, I never used it, but Andreas (the developer) is one of the MYBB developers and is a great coder. Of course, it is a bit of an intrusive script - but he is coding to what his users want - which is Search Engine Ranking.
Google SEO - I don't know, I never used it, but Andreas (the developer) is one of the MYBB developers and is a great coder. Of course, it is a bit of an intrusive script - but he is coding to what his users want - which is Search Engine Ranking.
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