Less food burning
#1 11-06-2012 
OK, I know people can sometimes burn food, but please, can't we have a mod that makes it a less possible after burning it 2 or 3 times.

I have one sim that has burnt pancakes 12 times now. Won't she ever learn?
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.

#2 11-06-2012 
Probably not! Tongue

I'll see if anything can be done about it.

#3 11-06-2012 
And if they are not burning them, then they are setting the place on fire Smile

Fortunately, that does not happen to often.
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.

#4 11-06-2012 
Ok, thanks for the tip... <evil grin>

#5 11-06-2012 
I'm watching you Smile
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.

#6 11-06-2012 
Hehehe, I got you worried there for a moment, didn't I? Tongue

#7 11-06-2012 
Maybe, just a little Smile
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.

#8 10-10-2012 
Hey I don't know if this falls into the same range of what you were looking for but I know of a mod that is supposed to not allow food to be burnt if you are at a high cooking skill.



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