Fire Effect
#21 13-08-2012 
mmm, intrigued now Big Grin
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#22 13-08-2012 
mustluvcatz;15578 Wrote:So, that was totally on purpose? Big Grin I knew it!

Well that's the advantage of having a small forum. You know what most people like to create and what they are capable of and good at and can take that into account where possible.

#23 13-08-2012 
Big Grin

Well..while I'm waiting for assistance with the stove's fire (it already has a fire effect but I'd like to perfect "my vision", lol)..I'm working on- you guessed it: moar fire! Not everything is going to be on fire. I've got some perfectly normal stuff planned.

#24 13-08-2012 
Can I hold off a little on the screenshots? Because there might be a better place to start and stop the effects, at least if you want more than one, but I'll need to dissect the stove BHAVs a little further first.

Thanks for the file! Are you sure it's the right one, though? Because while it looks absolutely awesome, it doesn't have the (fireplace) fire effect - not in the package and not in game, and I thought you had added it? Or did I get confused again? Smile

Edit: Lol, we were posting at the same time. Wink

#25 13-08-2012 
No, I'm the confused one! Smile That'll teach me to go by the name alone. See- I have this habit of cutting/pasting packages on the desktop. Grabbing the most recent one usually works.

Correct file attached and OF COURSE! I don't mind waiting. Perfection is worth the wait. Big Grin

Edit to show the awesomeness of FIRE!! Tongue Who wouldn't want wall lights that burn? Fully functional- off state shows little pieces of coal (not briquettes..couldn't think what else to put in there), on state is flames and they're animated. I think I want to slow the animation down a bit and I do need to tweak the flames.. but I like it. It took a lot of editing but now that I have it, I can clone it to make moar.

* mustluvcatz runs off to add flames to everything!

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

.rar  1TileWFireEffect.rar (Size: 225.06 KB / Downloads: 814)

#26 15-08-2012 
Ooh, those are some gorgeous torches! Yay functional lamps! (I always get disappointed when I come across a nice lantern or candle holder - only to find out they're sculptures, not lamps. Sad So much for lighting up the room...)

Anyway, thanks for the file and sorry for the delay. I couldn't be on the computer much yesterday.But I come bearing screenshots of BHAVs! Big Grin

The Cook - _Core is the way to go; my easier way turned out to be... not easier at all. Tongue The simplest way is to focus your start/stop effect around the Cook Type you want it for - so your BHAVs go Start Effect -> Cook Type -> Stop Effect and have it return true. See screenshot (Photoshopped to show the operands) - the principle is the same for Fry, Simmer and Bake.

...and then there's pork chops, a.k.a. Fry/Bake. That one is trickier, because there first the Sim fries the pork chops, and then they put them in the oven - and that takes place in a different BHAV called Cook - _Type - Fry/Bake. So you'll want to import that one and have your Cook - Core point to your local Fry/Bake instead of the semiglobal it's pointing to now.

Then, in your newly imported Fry/Bake... well, see huge screenshot (it's a little complicated to explain); green frame = start, red frame = stop. The oven fire will have to be stopped twice, since can both succeed and fail at making their pork chops. Smile

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)
[Image: nixedbuttongreen5.jpg]

#27 15-08-2012 
Awesome screenshots Nix! Looking at the first one proves I wasn't as confused as I thought I was, lol. Thank you!

Let's see what I can do. Smile

#28 15-08-2012 
Thanks, and I hope it helps! Otherwise, you know where to find me. Smile

Oh! While you're digging around in the Fry/Bake, there's an animation in there called... Check Oven something, don't remember the exact name, but if you pass over that one and have the line that's pointing to it point to the Cooking Progress one instead, you'll keep your Sims from opening the non-existant oven door to check on their food. Just in case you don't want them to stick their hands into an open flame. Wink (I haven't actually checked it, but I'm quite sure the Bake BHAV has it as well.)

I'm very much looking forward to seeing this finished! You know, I'm actually registered at that forum, too, but I just lurk. Smile And I don't go by Nix over there, either; not because I want to be anonymous, but... well, I'm there because of my Westeros 'hood, and in that setting, going by the name of Snow (nix, nivis in Latin) would cast aspersion on my lineage. Tongue

#29 15-08-2012 
It helped, it helped! The only thing I haven't touched yet is the Fry/Bake part. I'm loading the game right now to see if the rest of it works like I want first.

If you lurk over there, you might know who all this fire is for then, lol. No names have been mentioned because I don't know if she ever lurks over here. Smile (Of course, if she does the cat's out of the bag, isn't it?)

edit. ROFL! Well, it worked like a charm with just one little glitch- my sim stood in front of the counter to cook while the pan was on the stove. Otherwise the grill effects were there. My sim was the one in the wrong place. It wasn't quite as good as music coming from her- but it was pretty awesome.

#30 15-08-2012 
Yay! Fingers crossed! And oh yes, I know who she is, and so does my Downloads folder. Wink


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