Am I over-reacting?
#1 06-03-2013 
As the title I over-reacting.

Most of you know, I made a large Worn Stucco Wall set with various panels etc. Posted here at Leefish & at Modthesims.

All the panels etc were made by me from scratch in photoshop. It wasn't a case of I just took some pictures on the internet and made some walls with them.

Today while surfing tumblr I came across a post that had a set of walls which used my panels/kick-plates from the above set. On further investigation I discovered that this certain person had used my panels in over an hundred walls. Further more, no credit was given on any of these downloads.

And on the bottom of one of her downloads it said "Don't claim as your own, as this would be a dick move"

To say I was mad was putting it mildly. This person totally ignored my TOU, which is posted on many sites, but also didn't have the respect to drop me a quick message and say. Hey do you mind if I use these walls.

So in my anger fuelled state I sent a message to this person. This is the reply I got back.

Quote:Well then, as soon as I can get mediafire to show my files I’ll delete them. I’ve been fighting with it for days now so I can’t promise it will be today.

As for claiming them as my own, you’re credited in the read me and I’m sorry that I didn’t put “THANKS TO SAILFINDRAGON!” in the post since people barely read those as it is.

Anywho, I’ll be pulling them as you’ve requested.

I checked each and everyone of the "Read me" in the files and not once was my name or even a URL mentioned. However, they seemed to miss the point entirely. It expressly states in my TOU that my creations may not be altered/distributed in anyway without prior permission. But instead gave me a completely bad attitude when I complained.

#2 06-03-2013 
Well. Debs, you know I Heart you, right? So please don't take this wrong.

I don't really think you're over-reacting. Your walls were used without your permission and that's against your TOU. However, looking at your TOU here? You do say "....without prior permission". So that makes it seem that you might say "yes" if someone were to ask.

Using your textures without your permission and not giving credit is a dick move. But honestly- if that person would have asked, would you have given permission? If so, maybe you two can work it out so that the post is edited to show that permission was given? (Even if it would be after the fact.)

Those are really pretty walls and it would be a shame if they weren't available anymore. Someone liked your work enough to want to reuse it. That's a compliment more than anything. But YES! the person should've asked. Ohhhh... wait-

Quote:As for claiming them as my own, you’re credited in the read me and I’m sorry that I didn’t put “THANKS TO SAILFINDRAGON!” in the post since people barely read those as it is.

Rolleyes Funny, I read that stuff. Hmmmm. Obviously some people don't? Not only that, they barely read other creator's TOU? (Referencing the person who made those walls there, lol.)

#3 06-03-2013 
I Heart you too. Smile

If the person had messaged me and asked. I would have more than likely said yes, go ahead. But just give me credit and include a link. Other creators have asked to modify my walls and I have said yes.

What annoyed me more was that this person posted numerous times previously that she was making these walls and gave the impression that she was solely responsible for them. For example HERE and HERE

At no point in those posts does she mention were or who the walls came from. But she was more than capable of posting was she planned to do with them.

I do agree the walls are gorgeous. But then the wallpaper/patterns are from Colour Lovers and they are always cool.

#4 06-03-2013 
Not over reacting at all I don't think. And her response left a lot to be desired -- and if she truly wanted to make amends she'd apologize on the upload thread and remove the download link. Then you could be all gracious and give permission if you wanted to.

But no way would I give permission after the "anywho" response. That's just me though, MLC's response is probably better.

#5 06-03-2013 
Eh. This thread caught me on a good day. Tongue My response wouldn't have been so nice yesterday!

Seriously though: That person's response to this does tick me off. I don't see a lot of respect for other creators there. I see a "I'm gonna make what I want and who cares if anyone likes how I did it" attitude. But I've mellowed out a lot since I started creating for the game, a year or 2 ago I'd have been "How dare they?!?". Then I realized that attitude doesn't stop others from using meshes/textures/whatever without permission. So instead of getting mad, I get even: I don't download anything from anyone with an attitude like that person's. Smile

Yes, that means I won't be downloading any of those walls. Since I can make my own walls* that's more that person's loss than mine.

*not necessarily with Deb's textures..even though she'd let me use them, lol

#6 06-03-2013 
Thank you for you replies. I really appreciate your input in this.

I was spurred on to make these. LOL


The stucco walls in wood instead of white. Smile

P.S. @mustluvcatz - Of course you could use my walls. Heart
Sailfindragon, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Aug 2012.

#7 07-03-2013 
Overall verdict: Nope! you're not over-reacting.

Had a giggle to myself about this,
Quote:Well then, as soon as I can get mediafire to show my files I’ll delete them. I’ve been fighting with it for days now so I can’t promise it will be today.
Why not just pull them from the site?

Respect for other creators and their TOU must come with age. Obviously this person is very young and in my experience the young ones don't know the difference between right and wrong.

Quote:As for claiming them as my own, you’re credited in the read me and I’m sorry that I didn’t put “THANKS TO SAILFINDRAGON!” in the post since people barely read those as it is.
Sounds like she may be projecting her habits on others. I always read thanks in posts and quite often thank the original creator, along with the person whose item I'm commenting on.

*sending big hug to Deb
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.

#8 07-03-2013 
I always read credits too, and I always want links to the original creators' work since the originals are usually better than the remixes. Unfortunately credit links are practically non-existant these days. People are too damn lazy to compose a proper post. Or maybe they don't want to take the spotlight off themselves by sending people off to the original creator's post. In any case, it sucks! And if they omit credit entirely? That's stealing and it's a dirty rotten thing to do to someone who graciously shared their own work - work which the thief clearly liked a lot or else they wouldn't have stolen it.

You're not overreacting at all.

#9 07-03-2013 
They sound incredibly rude. I downloaded the walls just now to take a look at the read me and Sailfindragon was not amongst the names given credit. As far as reading credits go I'm much more likely to read them on the actual post and very unlikely to read a readme, normally I just delete it.
joandsarah, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2013.

#10 07-03-2013 
Dear Sailfindragon - Basic summary. No. You're not over-reacting.

Her throw-away response and dishonest claim and crediting is unfortunately all too common. Sad
But don't be surprised if something snarky appears on her tumblr to replace it.
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.


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