Non-intersectable Tiles?
#1 08-05-2013 
This is only WIP in my head so far, but I’d like your opinion and advice about something.

I’m always kind of annoyed when my sims walk all over the place while I’ve given them a pretty path to enter their house. I’ve used an invisible fence to ‘guide’ them, but I also like to use all kinds of smooth edges, which is a pain when there’s a fence taking up space already.

So I was thinking, what if I make an non-intersectable tile for sims? One that is allowed to be placed on locked tiles? I can put those tiles next to the path, and I can still put a plant or bushes op top of it. That way, I can still use the edges as well, and sims don’t walk all over the place but simply stay on the path.

It sounds fine in theory, but.. is it? Any ideas or comments? Maybe there's a better idea already out there?
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

#2 08-05-2013 
Well, I think there was something on MTS that worked where you could have sims walk ROUND objects - in theory it might work. I think it depends on the footprint of the object on the tile.

Nix or Honeywell or MLC would know more.

#3 08-05-2013 
Yeah. I was just looking into that. I think you mean the ones by SilentLucidity. I was checking her (his?) TOU to see if I could use something. Maybe I can clone the big tile, change the guide, and then make it non-intersectable.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

#4 08-05-2013 
That's the one - has some very neat tiles etc.

#5 09-05-2013 
I've decided to give this idea a try. It's my day off, so it seems like a nice project. Smile

I started from scratch instead of butchering someone else's stuff, but since it's been 6 or 7 years since I've actually created an object, I had to dig up all the tutorials again. So far, so good, though. Sims walk around the tiles like they should, but it would be nice if pets and toddlers don't care and still cross over. They wouldn't care about a tiled path, right? I don't know if there's a specific pets/toddlers-flag, but I'm going to look into that. (Does anyone know?) I also still have to test with snow, make the tile placeable on a slope and locked tiles, make sure it can't get stolen and/or billed, and I'm sure there are other things I'm forgetting right now. Oh, and I have to make an invisible recolor.

But like I said, so far, so good. Smile
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

#6 09-05-2013 
You need Honeywell, because she has a toddler gate at MTS that toddlers can't cross, but adults can. It should be possible to set your object so that it does the opposite, and allows toddlers/pet to cross but nobody else - or at least it's possible in my head. Wink Honeywell is more BHAV-savvy than I am, though, so she can help you better (if you need help, that is).

To answer your question about age and pets, yes, there's a set of globals called "Age - Am I a [insert age]?" and also "Pet - Is Pet?" (and "Is Cat/Small Dog/Large Dog") for checking the Sim's age and/or species.
[Image: nixedbuttongreen5.jpg]

#7 09-05-2013 
Cool. That might work. Thanks, Nix. The object itself is nothing interesting (it's a flat quare after all), but the tuning turns out quite an interesting learning curve so far. Smile
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

#8 09-05-2013 
Sounds like you are getting very far very fast Big Grin

#9 09-05-2013 
It went well so far, but now I'm messing with a stupid outdoor (ground) shadow that just keeps on bugging me, making the tile visible even through snow (in high resolution). I've tried all options in all the modding threads I could find, except for the option to clone as a stand-alone object.

This is what happens if you don't make a simple table as your first object after a gazillion years. Undecided
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

#10 09-05-2013 
hmm, I think that is in the bit where you do the repo things - will say something like shadow/no shadow

have you tried that?


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