Faux Neon Sign is screwy when placed in a window :(
#31 12-05-2013 
I'm sorry, fansee, now I feel bad for being lazy. Try this 0x0106:0x17. And I couldn't agree more, Michelle. Smile

#32 12-05-2013 
* mustluvcatz agrees with Michelle

..and apologizes for not sharing any knowledge. I'm horrible, I know. What makes me even more horrible is that I get PM's all the time (not here) asking for help with something- and I help. Huh

Fansee- when I can figure out exactly what you need the lights to do (trying to do a million things at once and not concentrating on any of those things, so it's me- not your post) I might be able to help you figure those out.

#33 12-05-2013 
* fanseelamb also agrees with Michelle

@Honey: Thank you!! Crossing fingers and loading game to test that now. How did you find the number for the lamps? ETA: Dang, didn't work.

@MLC: Gosh, no need to feel bad at all. Your help is always appreciated though. Sorry I was doing 3 things at once and rambling and didn't make myself clear. The 2 lights have these issues:

1. One light has a blank thumbnail. I figure this is because the game is looking at the ground to create it since it was cloned from a patio lamp. I tried redoing it by cloning a ceiling lamp and copying over the light point values, but that failed. The light wasn't coming from the ground anymore, and that's far more crucial than having a thumbnail. (I also found a tutorial on how to add a custom thumbnail to an object but that looked way too complicated for this little item.)

2. That same light requires OFB since it was cloned from an OFB light. That's not so much an issue but would be better if it were basegame compatible for sharing. I chose that OFB light because I like how it illuminates sims. Didn't have sharing in mind when I first cloned it for personal use ages ago.

3. I've managed to make both lights placeable almost anywhere without cheats. Indoors, outdoors, over pools, ponds, slopes, out of bounds roads, and under low roofs. The two places I have not been able to figure out are beaches and common areas of apartment lots, so it still needs a cheat in those places. (I haven't tested universities or hotels though so IDK about those.)

Attaching the WIP lights in case anyone wants fiddle with 'em. Aside from the issues I'm rather pleased with their functionality. They're intended for lighting up photoshoots and work great for that.

ETA: Files deleted and reattached a few posts down.

#34 12-05-2013 
@Fansee, yay!! Success! Celebrate The only downside (to me, because I'm like that) is that by doing it like this, you learn how to make something work, but you don't know why it works (or at least I don't; I have no idea why curtains are happy to allow object intersection with the wall placement flags set. Some BHAVs I understand, but some I don't). Me, I was the kid who took clocks apart to see what made them tick, so not knowing why is v. unsatisfactory to me. Undecided But, even I reach a point where I stop banging my head against the wall and let the why of it be. After all, the thing does work, even if I don't have a clue why. Tongue

Re the catalogue thumbnail problem, you have a line called "thumbnailExtension" in the CRES. Deleting the items there (if there are any) can fix the problem; it doesn't always, but it's worth a try. Smile

And I completely agree with Michelle. Heart
[Image: nixedbuttongreen5.jpg]

#35 12-05-2013 
Yay! Two awesome things solved in one thread. Celebrate

Hanging out in this thread has learned me a lot, too, so I'm glad I've decided to come out of my little hiding-corner and pop up here. Blush
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

#36 12-05-2013 
Hmm, this is the only "thumbnailExtension" in the CRES that I see, and deleting it makes the game crash. Somehow I think I deleted the wrong thing. Tongue

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

#37 12-05-2013 
Sorry, Fansee, I wasn't being clear. (Bad Nix, no cookie!) I didn't mean that you should delete the entire thumbnailExtension block, just that you should delete any strings there; they're either under the Content tab or under the Reference one. (I can never remember which of those two is which, but unfortunately my SimPE seems to think this is a good time to run in idiot mode and refuse to start. Angry) Never, ever delete blocks from the CRES unless you know exactly what you're doing. Undecided

And now I need to log off for the evening, and then I won't be on for a few days. Love you all! Heart
[Image: nixedbuttongreen5.jpg]

#38 12-05-2013 
Thank you, Nix! Looks like there are no strings to clear, which is probably what confused me. I shall continue my experiments later. Have a good trip!

#39 12-05-2013 
I am SO full of steak, potato salad and corn that I can't eat any strawberries over angel food cake at the moment.. a nap sounds awesome right now. Tongue However- I have downloaded the lamps and will look at them sometime tonight. It should be possible to make the OFB one basegame compatible. Should. No promises. Don't know what to do about the thumbnail though. (Cuz I'm so not trying that custom thumbnail tutorial- that thing confuses the heck out of me!)

#40 12-05-2013 
Steak? Nap?

* leefish moves in with MLC


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