How do I use Any Game Starter?
#1 23-07-2013 
So I've been looking over the thread since it was mentioned that using AGS might be one solution to my Debug Hug issue. My main concern is my game is installed on an internal D drive partition while my CC is on C drive. The tech guy set it up this way to give me more room on C drive. Will AGS have any trouble with this set up? Also it's a little confusing, what is the best option in terms on sims, no sims, ep's etc? Or is that purely personal preference? Would empty be best to test this out on? If I use this for building I will have to make at least a family to play test copies of my lots.
joandsarah, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2013.

#2 23-07-2013 
It depends really want you want to use AGS for.

I use AGS because I like to share lots with minimum EPs. It seems that what you want is an alternative build environment. You can of course use AGS for that as well. However, my games are on my C drive - as is my AGS - so I cannot advise how to use in your setup.

What I do know is you have to have the disc in the drive that matches the highest EP or a disc saving alternate in the Program Files folder of that highest EP. You also must always run as admin. Always.

#3 24-07-2013 
I just want to use it to try and upload clean lots.

Does anyone know if it's safe to use with my setup? Game installed on a different drive from the custom content?

#4 24-07-2013 
I learned how to use AGS a few months ago because i wanted to learn how to make Cas replacements. Smile I haven't yet, but was planning on using to create lots so I could build lots EP specific. The bug issue has encouraged me to actually start building all my lots I want to share in it.

jo, you could ask Mootilda on the AGS thread...maybe she knows. Smile

#5 24-07-2013 
You're probably right Dominie. I'm getting excited that Mootilda might be able to make a cure for my lots, so if that becomes possible I think I would want just a a base game AGS. That way I could also share some lots for everybody. I was always bummed that my lots would always crash Esme's game.

#6 24-07-2013 
You put the custom content for the AGS in the downloads folder of that AGS - try installing AGS to the same drive as your game.

#7 24-07-2013 
I did a backup just to my desktop as I couldn't find my external hard drive. But I'm not really happy with just that so I found another and I will backup on that first.


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