Recherche rug
#1 03-01-2014 
Not stuck anymore, just wanted feedback on style, colours, texture detail/level etc (I know there's a repeat line in the middle, I can fix that).

Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#2 03-01-2014 
I like the colours and the pattern scale.

#3 04-01-2014 
I've never been really thrilled with the green/red combo - but this looks good. The pattern scale is pretty nigh spot-on. The mod style is pretty much on-trend within the sims community. Smile

#4 04-01-2014 
Thank you Kiri and Lee Big Grin

Here is the red circle rug fixed and some stripey ones (Lee: did it! did it! did it! Big Grin) The red one is a colour combo taken from colour lovers, I squished the colours together, the blue one is a pattern that I repeated. Think I might do another colour permutation of the circle one or try one using squares?



Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#5 04-01-2014 
I would try one with squares. Looking good so far, I think you have a bevel on the red one? If so, I would turn it down a little bit (or off). I see that pattern as more of a rag rug, so the "bumps" should be in the texture, or even a bumpmap if rugs have such a thing.


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