Diving in,,

I used to be farily active on the late great EA sims2 BBS where my screen name ( goodness sakes!..sounds like a motion picture star!) was also pattyheart.
My other interests..pastimes..are reading, water color and oil painting, pencil portraits, gardening, arm-chair traveling and creative writing. Each day I hope to learn at least one something new.
PattyHeart, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2014.
Hello Patty, welcome to Leefish

Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.
Hi Patty 
I have fond memories of the BBS and you! I was AlabasterVerve on the forums and I always enjoyed your lots and especially your stories. Leefish is a wonderful, friendly community and I know you'll fit right in. Welcome. :flower:

I have fond memories of the BBS and you! I was AlabasterVerve on the forums and I always enjoyed your lots and especially your stories. Leefish is a wonderful, friendly community and I know you'll fit right in. Welcome. :flower:
(This post was last modified: 13-01-2014 12:53 AM by leefish.)
Thank you each and all for the welcome. It will take me a while to learn my way around here. The like hearts do confuse me. I may not click on these correctly, however, I do like all of the replies. What does a broken heart symbol signify?
(13-01-2014 06:00 AM)PattyHeart Wrote: What does a broken heart symbol signify?That just means you have already clicked the like button.

You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.