I call my bathroom Jim...
#11 03-04-2014 
My first car, a '88 Grand AM was named George; second car, a '94 Sunbird was named Cher. The reason I named that one Cher, was because my Dad had had a Sunbird that I called Sonny, so obviously this one had to be Cher Wink

#12 04-04-2014 
We had a '92 Sunbird LE - She was mine, I bought her with my businesses money, and I named her Ellie. We ran her for over 300,000 miles (was just 'breakin' her in) when a kid at church offered us $200 for her. Side note: the church ladies wanted us to get a swankier car Rolleyes ...anyways, he burned her up after about 2 weeks and we got the aforementioned PT - who sometimes answers to "Petey". I still miss Ellie, she was a good car.
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
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Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, ...do you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

#13 04-04-2014 
I have a number of George's. George the Cthulhu plushie - so named because of a particular president and a cartoon that went around for a while 'Vote Cthulhu, Like George Bush but cuddlier'. Then I have George the Gryphon - "I will hug him and squeeze him and call him george". Also George the beany baby.

#14 17-05-2014 
I too use to name my cars, but now I just name my computers. The Simming computer is called Captain Picard, and everytime I hit the 'Enter' key, I say "Make it so.". Smile


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