Kids Say the Darnedest Things...
#11 02-04-2014 
A transformer robot disguised as a dustbin?

* leefish is unsure if that counts as alive.... I think not.

#12 02-04-2014 
"made of metal" and "alive" can only both apply to robotic or cyborg creatures. So I'd say a transformer could indeed qualify, Lee Big Grin

#13 03-04-2014 
Quote:What is made of metal, has legs and is topped by lid?

A worm farm?

#14 07-04-2014 
Was laying down on the couch earlier with a blanket, not feeling the greatest, and Elise (the 2 yr old) came over and pulled the blanket clear up under my chin and tucked me in. Then she said "There. Relax and comfy!" So sweet and funny Smile
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2014 10:39 PM by justJones.)

#15 07-04-2014 
Aw Jones, that's lovely, they always seem to know what to say to make you feel better and loved.

I've just got home from choir to a quiet house - everyone in bed to find a note from Jonathan saying: I'm working an early shift tomorrow therefore you won't see me, lots of love Jonathan. I'm feeling very loved. Have left him a love back too.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#16 08-04-2014 
Oh gosh Lee the one with you pouring salt in knickers had me rolling.

My 12 year old daughter told me this joke yesterday.

"Will you remember me in one minute?"


"Will you remember me in 1 year?"


"Will you remember me in 10 years?"


"Knock Knock"

"Whose there?"

"You forgot me already!"

#17 08-04-2014 
Hahaha! That's funny, Jo!

#18 08-04-2014 
Thanks jones, I thought it was rather cute. She got that one off her friend who was over for a play date.

#19 08-04-2014 
Just told my kids, they thought it was funny Smile

#20 15-05-2014 
Great thread!! I have one, (well heaps since mine dont shush, but one for now!!)

Xander who was then 3 was with my mum at the supermarket and in line waiting, Mum noticed Xander intently staring at the checkout lady, Mum looked at her and realised he was staring because she looked very manish, (except she really isnt a man wearing a dress and tranny looking makeup, just how she always is!) Mum just knew he was going to come out with something so kept trying to distract him.
They got to the front and straight away Xander pipes up with 'Are you a man?!' the lady didnt quite hear him looked at mum and asked what he said, mum said 'I really dont know, sometimes its just gibberish!' thinking she'd gotten away with it! But Xander leaned in very close said VERY loudly and clearly, and slowly so he was sure to be understood, 'ARE YOU A MAN!' the lady looked at mum and exclaimed 'ohhhh does he think Im a man!!!!!' and before mum could say anything Xander said 'yes, so are ya'?! there was no comment, the lady wasnt too impressed mum hurried up and paid and got out of there. On the way back to the car Xander could be heard muttering 'she was so a man'! Haha, just glad it wasnt me there instead!


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